280AI/150ABLR w RL22 and IMR 7828sc

That looks really good, Joe. I'm with you in pulling for it to be the standard for the rifle.
Nice work! I'm jumping mine a fair bit farther than that in both my STW and my 280 AI. They seem to like jumping. I would be interested in your velocities. I'm getting right at 3,000 with 61 gr of 7828. I was thinking of trying to keep working up as I have not hit any pressure issues, and have some time before I need to hunt with it again. If it doesn't work our I can always go back to the 61 gr load. It might not be the fastest 280 AI load out there, but whacking the 1,200 yard gong dead center on the first attempt is worth all the speed in the world.

Looking good pal.
I do believe that the 150 gr ABLR is just about the perfect bullet in the 280 AI. It kills deer like lighting and works very well on elk too. Just ask DrMike. ;)

Thanks guys! Just keep those finger crossed that 62.6 gr wasn't a fluke. I'm going to load up about 12 and shoot four groups to see how it checks out. If it's still grouping well, then I'll see if I can't hit up someone for their chrono and get some data for you guys.
Looking good. I might try shortening you COAL by .015" a whack a few times and see what happens, if you haven't already. Might tighten up a bit more.
Thanks guys. Pretty excited about getting this thing squared away. If I can eliminate the 1.2" stuff and keep it in the .8s" I'll be happy as a pig in mud! The fly in my ointment is that I was using the Remington 9.5M primer and it seems to protrude from the pocket. At first, I thought it was just in my head, then when measuring COALs, I noticed the base of the case rocking a little. I also noticed gold colored primer residue around the bolt firing pin hole, corresponding to about the same diameter of a primer. I thought maybe it was just that lot of brass, so I bought some brand new cases and it's the same damn thing. Too bad I bought a brick of those 9.5Ms!
I've loaded my accurate load using 9.5Ms and WLRMs and will see what happens. I've heard that the WLRM is a little hotter than the rest (215, 9.5M, and 250) and I guess we'll see what that does to my accuracy. Hopefully, nothing! I was happy to find that the base of the case did not rock with the WLRMs, so the protrusion that I was seeing is gone. That's fine by me, because crushing primers when camming a bolt shut does not make an explosives guy happy or confident. Once I get this sorted out, I'll try messing with seating depth a little more and see how things shake out.
Merry Christmas All!
F215s are about as hot as you can run. WLRMs and CCI250s are each just a skosh behind in brisance. What you are seeing likely has more to do with the metal used to form the cup than the brisance, however. The softer brass used in the Remington primers doesn't always seat as snugly as other primers. The steel cups used by Federal and CCI will solve this problem pretty quickly, I should imagine.
I use Mag Match 215's for magnum primers and have never had a blowout in 50 years. Wish I could say the same about Remington primers.
Got a chance to burn a few more today. Sorry to say the 168 ablr didn't group as well as I had hoped, but I made a new friend out of Magpro! A hot load of 67.6 on top of a 150 ablr went under an inch! Got to love it when your max load is your most accurate and doesn't exhibit pressure signs. Looks like I'll be staying with 150s in my 280ai. That's just fine by me, as it was my original intention. Now to load up some more and score a chrony!


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Nice shooting buddy.
The 150 gr ABLR will serve you well.

The 150 ABLR will be more than adequate for any game you may want to hunt, Joe.
G'Day Fella's,

EOD Diver/Joe, a good mate of mine ("Toofa"- Kimber Montana) and his son ("Magnet"- rebarreled W-by MkV Lt/weight) both have .280AI rifles.
They both use RL-19 Powder (with 140 & 162grn bullets) and get sub MOA accuracy and almost 7mm Rem Mag like velocities (with very good case (Nosler) life)!

Hope that helps

Thanks guys. I'm running Federal 215 primers in Nosler cases. I ran several ladders up to QL's 64K PSI using RL22, 7828ssc and magpro. The two loads I've found that it likes are 62.6 of 7828ssc and 67.6 of magpro, as noted above with the 150 ABLR. The 168 ABLR would have been neat for elk, but since this is an antelope and deer rifle as well I think the 150 is better suited to our needs. I know Doc sure sealed the deal on his elk with the 150 this last year, so I don't feel undergunned at all for elk. Time to load up a bunch of each and see which one is more accurate. I wish I had some RL 19 to throw into the mix, but haven't seen any in a long time. Hopefully, I can luck into some N560 one of these days to try out.
All are great powders Joe. Hope you can find that perfect load. Plus you've always got the Legacy for elk.
Yup, the 150 grain ABLR will work on elk, especially when launched from your 280AI. I was very favourably impressed with this bullet.