3 Cartridge Battery?

Herbert, are you getting good performance downrange with the Barnes in the 9.3x62? I have considered getting one of these, but bullet selection has been a question for me. I like the Barnes, but I figured they are too heavily constructed for my use, mainly on whitetails, but future for elk and mulies, possibly moose. Possibly moose in Sweden, no less. Anyway, what has your game experience been with these bullets, and at what ranges? Thanks.
If I had to choose just three rifles for all hunting it would be....

243 winchester
300 win mag
375 H&H

Just three big game rifles would be
338 RUM
375 H&H
458 Lott
7mmRemMag for just about everything to include elk. The one that I carry is a Browning B78 with Burris 3 to 9 power Signature scope.

375Weatherby olny for thick skinned, heavy muscled and/or dangerous game. Any quality bolt rifle with a scope that can handle recoil.

That's it, but since I would never turn down a third rifle, I'd have along my .243Win, in my made in 1968 Ruger M77. Scope is an old B&L Elite 4000 2.5 to 10 power.
dubyam":1698rawu said:
Herbert, are you getting good performance downrange with the Barnes in the 9.3x62?

Hi! I use the 250 X or TSX to game from fox, badger, roe deer to swedish moose with only good experiences. Its open up very easy, had a powerfull effect in teh game without destroying meat.

I fully understand that if one reloads the majority of the Wby. cartridges are all great performers. However, for those that do not reload, can't fodder for Wby. chambered rifles be sometimes hard to find, if not impossible? I have heard this particularly from those who have hunted Africa.
POP said:
Just for fun!

3 Cartridges/rifles for the whole world. This is big game ONLY so no I will not confiscate your varminters/rimfires. :lol:

.358 Winchester in my (Pac-Nor) Model 7; if there's a better blacktail round for how I hunt 'em I couldn't imagine what it'd be... 300-yard reach and it just plain knocks them down fast, which really matters in the rainy jungle. 200-gn Hornady for deer, 225 Partition for elk.

30-06 in my (Pac-Nor) M700 LSS. For deer, bear, antelope, caribou, and as my backup elk rifle. Perfection. Love the 30-06. Accubonds from 150 to 180 grains at speeds I shouldn't be able to get (love my PacNor barrels!)

.338 Win Mag in my M700 XCR. Sub-MOA box stock. It would either be this rifle, or my '06 for mulies. The .338 WM is the best match of quarry to caliber there is, for elk IMHO. If I were mulie hunting with it, I have a 200-gn Ballistic Tip load for "power plinking" that would be perfect. For elk I use the 225 AB. If I can ever afford Alaska, this is the one that goes.

I honestly don't really dream of hunting the African animals, so I'll stop at 338 Win Mag!

Honorable mention goes to my .325 WSM Browning BLR. Very intriguing package, that. Think about it...

Of course, as per my signature below, my picks are:
1) 270 WSM - 140gn AB
2) 300 RUM - 180/200gn AB (still working on this)
3) 338 WM - 225gn AB
I'd have to say It would go like this.
Lever action brush gun in 45-70gvmt.
My Winchester mod 70 BOSS in 338 Win. Mag.
& a big bore for Africa.(Some day) like a 500 Jeffreys
7mmfan":3l8i1in2 said:
375 H & H magnum
7mm Remington magnum
308 Winchester

You're kidding right? :shock:
That's a pretty good list for the average Joe. Nothings better than the 375 H & H for grizzlies, brown bear, polar bear, leopard, buffalo, lion, tigers, elephants. Peter Capstick stated the 300 grain FMJ penetrates the entire elephants skull from any angle....what more is needed. The 7mm Remington magnum has been my favorite for over 20 years. 160's at 3100...antelope to moose. The only thing missing now is a close range light game rifle for deep woods roosevelt elk, moose, whitetail deer back east. Hogs and black bears/cougars with or wothout hounds. The 308 fills the void in a light weight carbine....nothing shoots better or fills this void better. Now I know you asked because I don't own any of these rifles currently, but your question was for big game the world over.
I see... I just went into shock when 308 came out of your lips! :lol: :mrgreen:
.308Win. was an off-shoot of the Gov'mt 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge. Arguments still rage concerning interchanging those two designations. When using standard ammo, I have never found a difference twixt the two. I would not fire .308Win. Mini-Mags in some of the older rifles chambered for .308Win. But barring that, I will pick up a box of either designation to fire in military rifles chambered for 7.62x51mm NATO.
The recoil on the .308Win rifles is lighter than that of the 30-06. The Navy discovered that fact when they re-barreled a number of their US M1 Rifles to 7.62x51mm. The scores of recruits on the range, went up as soon as the 7.62x51mm M1 MkI rifles went into use.
In reality, it is hard to fault the performance of either .308Win. or the 30-06. Both have small advantages over the other. The only area in which I would always select the 30-06 over the .308Win. is when I move up on bullet weight and propellent charge. This, of course, for bigger game or dangerous game.
roysclockgun said:
.308Win. was an off-shoot of the Gov'mt 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge. Arguments still rage concerning interchanging those two designations. When using standard ammo, I have never found a difference twixt the two. I would not fire .308Win. Mini-Mags in some of the older rifles chambered for .308Win. But barring that, I will pick up a box of either designation to fire in military rifles chambered for 7.62x51mm NATO.

Just a data point... I had a Savage tactical rifle for a while- the one with the straight cylinder barrel- in .308 and it would dang near lock up the bolt with the two types of surplus 7.62x51 I tried in in it (one of them was Radway... the other Portugues, maybe? It's been years). I was not experienced at reading primers back then so I have no idea what was really happening- all i know is I stopped even trying out of fear for myself and my rifle! At this point I shoot surplus from my M1a's only. 'Course, I don't even own a .308 bolt rifle so maybe that's why!

I love .308... I love 30-06.... I love every derivation from the .308 case that I've ever used. If I were made of money, I'd have Clint at Fulton build me a Bush-style M1a in .358 WInchester. Now, THAT would be a great mid-range hunting rifle! Supposedly, Springfield offered M1a's in .358 very early on but I've never heard of one existing physically.

Jeff wrote: "Supposedly, Springfield offered M1a's in .358 very early on but I've never heard of one existing physically. "

Isn't there a very critical problem with too high pressure in US M1 Rifles and US M14 rifles, causing warping of the op rod? Maybe Springfield ran into that problem when they chambered M1A rifles for .358?