3 Rifle Battery


May 26, 2012
Just doing some winter pondering.
For a worldwide three rifle battery for big game what would you select. Here’s my possible list:

6.5 Creedmoor or any other 6.5 variant.
.375 Ruger or H&H
.416 Taylor or Rigby

I think there will be lots of overlap and I’ve intentionally left out a couple of my favorites due to cartridge overlap. If I could only pick one it would be a .375 but I’m thinking I want to go a little bigger for a stopping rifle. Hence the .416 diameter.

I’m interested in seeing what y’all come up with.

Small 6.5 mm for deer sized game
Lightweight 270-280AI class round for the mountains
375 H&H or Ruger for the big stuff

That's what I would do.
Interesting thought, and it brings another question to my mind, is the cartridge the most important thing, or the action? What I mean, is, three different bolt guns in different cartridges won't be as much value to me in a primitive weapons season area which prohibits that type of rifle. Likewise, a lever gun, or the like, would do me more service in thickets and scrub than a scoped single shot. So, what do I do?

Bolt gun in 35 Whelen - something with a fast twist and a strong action for heavy pills
Pump in 35 Whelen - something for close up work for brush or over bait hunts
Single shot in 35 Whelen - for limitation areas and just for gigles
Last several years I came accustomed to my 416 Wby. I’ve piled up a number of deer with it and wouldn’t hesitate to use it on any game large or small.
My 375 Wby is going to be the freezer filler next year.
Third choice from my safe would be the 340 Wby.
I have thought about this in the past, and determined then if I was doing a 3 rifle battery, it would be one scoped rifle combination configuration to breed familiarity, in 3 cartridges based off the same case.
For me this means a left handed action and would most likely be the LH Rem 700 with 24" barrels incl/ open sights, in a laminated stock with a Leupold VX-3 3.5-10x40 B&C mounted in QR rings. Chamberings would either be A) magnum cases; 7mm Rem Mag, 338 Win Mag and 416 Taylor, or B) long action cases; 25-06, 280 Rem, and 338-06. If I were to break the same case rule, the latter choice would be 280 Rem, 338-06 and 9.3x62 (which is very close to the 30-06 case).

While I have owned the 7mm Rem Mag, 338 Win Mag and 416 Taylor, they were not all at the same time, with the 7mm and 338 being in Rem 700s and the 416 Taylor on a Ruger M77. And my current 280 and 338-06 are lh Rem 700s they are not the same configuration, and my 9.3 is a lh Sako 85. My current rifle in the same configuration in 3 chamberings (short action) is my Winchester Model 88's in 250 Savage, 7mm-08 and 338 Federal; but again the 250 is not the same case.

Today, I would probably do the 3 rifles on LH Sako Model 85's. If not all on the same case, I already have the 6.5x55 and 9.3x62, so would still need a cartridge in the middle...the 7x64 Brenneke would be an interesting option in keeping with the European cartridge theme which closely performs as the 280 Rem does. A quick search online says it was an option! Damn...here I go again!:rolleyes:
6.5x55 or 7x57 that's a toss up for my first option- flat shooting/low recoiling -with 140gr bullets with 3-9x40
8x57 JS- all rounder with 160-200gr bullets- straight 6x
9.3x62- For big game 250-286gr bullets- 1-4x20

Would prefer all of them to have control round feed, barrel bands, and iron sights as back up.
I have not, and will likely never hunt dangerous game, so nothing above a 30 caliber for me.
Cartridge selection would be more around the max distance I would want for said game.

For a single shot XP-100: 25-284, 6.5-284, and 284 Winchester. If it were four, add the 6mm-284 😇

For more horsepower/distance: 25 PRC, 6.5 PRC, 7mm PRC (or 7mm-PRCW for the 7mm)

Full Retard: 25 PRC, 26 Nosler, and 28 Nosler (7mm Dakota would also be a 7mm option).
Small 6.5 mm for deer sized game
Lightweight 270-280AI class round for the mountains
375 H&H or Ruger for the big stuff

That's what I would do.
I should mention this is what I think most people should do but for me this is my actual choice.

260 Rem and 6.5x55 - for deer on down but I wouldn't pass up a shot at a bear or moose with them either.
6.8 Western - all around gun for deer to moose especially in open country.
35 Whelen - for the bigger stuff like grizzly, elk and moose but I'm not going to pass up a deer carrying it either.
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308win based (or close to) with different calibers would be (and do have on hand) is 308win, 7-08rem, 260rem and 243win using the same bolt face and action length. I have only 1 close to '06 length and is 270win. Magnums in LA are (and based on the same case) are 264 and 300 wm's, but could be filled with 7saum as 338lm is a different face. I'm wanting to add to the short mags with a 300swm and a 6.8w/270wsm to go with 7saum and 6.5prc. Any rifle cartridge I have that's NOT long action (or longer) are via AR's.
From a worldwide perspective my three would be:

.220 Swift

.30-06 Springfield

.375 H&H Magnum

However since it’s likely I will never be able to afford to even hunt all that North America has to offer let alone other continents, my three are:

.220 Swift

.25-06 Remington

.30-06 Springfield
I have at my disposal 204 Ruger - 460 Wby it makes for hard choices. I’m working on next years plan already.
17 Mach IV is my smallest centerfire - A XP-100 of course.
I don't have a lot of the big bore stuff though.
I know the 25 PRC (rear-grip or center-grip) is up for killing game next and 25-284 center-grip XP is going to be up as well.

For 2024, a 6mm Creedmoor center-grip HSP (H-S Precision clone XP-100) will be up first for yotes, fox, and hogs.
Set-up with a thermal scope and a can, for shooting standing from a tripod-I can't wait!
Just doing some winter pondering.
For a worldwide three rifle battery for big game what would you select. Here’s my possible list:

6.5 Creedmoor or any other 6.5 variant.
.375 Ruger or H&H
.416 Taylor or Rigby

I think there will be lots of overlap and I’ve intentionally left out a couple of my favorites due to cartridge overlap. If I could only pick one it would be a .375 but I’m thinking I want to go a little bigger for a stopping rifle. Hence the .416 diameter.

I’m interested in seeing what y’all come up with.

Good selection Vince. Am I correct in saying that if you plan to hunt Africa you need a Caliber .40 and above for the big dangerous stuff?
Good selection Vince. Am I correct in saying that if you plan to hunt Africa you need a Caliber .40 and above for the big dangerous stuff?
I believe it depends on the country. Some require a 9.3mm or 375 cal minimum but a few require 40 cal or larger.

You are taking handgunning to the next level!

One of my church members and WY-SHOT shooters (He shoots a XP-100 in 22 Creed) is helping make a couple of carbon fiber plates, that has a arca rail on the bottom of them. Also riveting a small aluminum shelf/ridge in the front so the bi-pod doesn't go off the front when you are in a hurry. Should have them up a ready by mid-January. My first one will be bigger than needed, and then I will cut it down later if needed...
I have 9" Arca rails, so I can get the balance correct, whether rear or center grip.
My goal is to be able to consistently hit 10 steel out to 500 yards-Standing!
I will have a Harris BR bipod and a small field bag like I would already have for me when shooting prone.
It is designed to be a standing or sitting mini bench platform.
I have been thinking about this every since I came back from Africa
One of my church members and WY-SHOT shooters (He shoots a XP-100 in 22 Creed) is helping make a couple of carbon fiber plates, that has a arca rail on the bottom of them. Also riveting a small aluminum shelf/ridge in the front so the bi-pod doesn't go off the front when you are in a hurry. Should have them up a ready by mid-January. My first one will be bigger than needed, and then I will cut it down later if needed...
I have 9" Arca rails, so I can get the balance correct, whether rear or center grip.
My goal is to be able to consistently hit 10 steel out to 500 yards-Standing!
I will have a Harris BR bipod and a small field bag like I would already have for me when shooting prone.
It is designed to be a standing or sitting mini bench platform.
I have been thinking about this every since I came back from Africa
Sounds interesting Ernie. Post pictures when you get it up and running.
