30-06 that far behind the .264 Win Mag?


Aug 19, 2012
If one shoots 125-130 gr bullets (especially mono bullets) in each, is there that much difference between them at, say, 350-500yds? I'd say for sure that they run neck & neck to 350, wouldn't you think so too? I'm comparing the weight, bulk of a magnum to an '06 Sporter too...seems I wouldn't gain much with the .264 "overall".
I mean, I know I can get 3000 easily with the 150 in an '06 and yet, 3000 seems to be "on par" for the .264 "Magnum".? This is mainly for deer with an occasional elk.
264 Win runs a 140 at 3150-3200 pretty easily in most guns with a 26" barrel. My 70 falls right into that same exact ballpark with the 140 Accubonds and RL25.

The BC difference between a 150 .308 vs a 140 .264 is probably going to be more in favor of the 264 in the wind, if it matters to you. I am not sure what sorta difference you'd see at 350-500 yards. Both of them are going to require accurate ranging and such to get out there, maybe a few less clicks on the 264.

If you aren't shooting past 350 or so Jim, I'd look at whichever you like best.
I saw a nice used Mod 70 Sporter/Nikon scope in .264 and a Supergrade 30-06 at same price and it got me to asking questions. Without even shooting them yet ( tweaking them a bit at a time) I'm pretty set on my choice/purchase of the Mod 77/338; the Mod 70 FWT 7x57; and the Sako Forester in .243. If they shoot under 1.5" I can kill just about any big game I'll ever shoot at, ha. My friend has a .264 and I know he has always used a 140 right at 3000fps ( like the Remington factory load) he and his sons have killed deer every year since the late 70's with that thing, ha.
your post brought several thoughts to my feeble old brain

1. the 338, 7x57, 243 will certainly get it done for you
2. the 30-06 will give you more bullet weight options and fit pretty nicely between the 338 and 7 x 57
3. If I was considering the 264 and I did at one time, I would opt for a 257 Weatherby, which I did
4. I remember a thread about European calibers and the parent case of the 264 has certainly given birth to a slew of nice calibers---so the influence of the European calibers extends even further than it did on that thread. In fact it may be possible that no one on the forum have more calibers that were derived in one way or another from the 375 H& H, than Fotis.
So did you shoot game bigger than deer size with the 257W and if so what bullet did you use? I have used a .257W on Blackbuck ( one of my 375yd shots!) 2 Black Hawaiian rams only. I used the Nosler 115PT on two of them and the then new 100TSX on the other. The same outfitter bought both rifles off of me! I never gave much thought to one as an elk caliber, seems the 264 might be better for that or is /was the 257W OK?
No sir, I did not or have not used the 257 for Elk. The original purpose of the 257 was for Coues deer, and to that end it was a good choice. BTW, the 264 would also be a nice Coues deer rifle.

Elk was a 300 H & H for me.

In your case, your 338 has got to be an excellent Elk rifle. I know Scotty has used it successfully and I believe it is one of his favorites, or was
Yes Maam, that's the main reason I got back into one, I really like Medium calibers on heavy game. I just "like" the idea of a rifle being "elk capable", but its not a deal breaker for me. right now I'm focusing on seeing how this 338 will shoot the lighter bullets (160-200) before I mess with the heavier weights, which I tend to do anyhow, no matter the caliber. Thank you for your feedback, its greatly appreciated.
A 140 from a 264 will bring any Elk, moose or bear to its knees. I’d not sweat that one half a second. Good Bullets only make it better.
SJB358":34fe4e7w said:
A 140 from a 264 will bring any Elk, moose or bear to its knees. I’d not sweat that one half a second. Good Bullets only make it better.
I wonder if Accubonds would be the choice in this application?
Absolutely a 130 or 140 AccuBond (or PT) will hammer an elk from a 6.5 Creed, 260 rem or 264 Win mag. You're just increasing range with the bigger cased cartridges.
Let's hypothesize a 130 TTSX at 3300 fps in a 30-06 Barnes fastest load data (Win 748 60.5gr 3308 FPS) with a BC of .350.

Now we also have a 264 Mag with a 127 LRX at 3100 fps, again Barnes fastest load (Magnum 67.1gr 3140 fps) with a BC of .468 we get this at 500 yards with a 200 yard zero

30-06 velocity 2016 energy 1429 10 MPH drift -22.9" and drop -35.7

264 Velocity 2178 energy 1338 drift -17.3" drop -34.8

Now if we move up from mono metals from both

180 AB and 140 AB 30-06 and 264 respectively 2725 and 3200 fps

180 grain -------------------- vel 1896 energy 1441 drift - 19.7" drop -47

140 gr --------------------- vel 2298 energy 1642 drift - 15.2" drop -32

so you can decide
preacher":vvdqgc8o said:
Thanks Pard! I have some thinking to do.

Much as I love the good ol' 30-06 cartridge, I see it as a wonderful "generalist." Whereas cartridges like the 257 Wby & 264 Win mag are more specialized cartridges. All of them are good. It's really up to each of us to select the rifle & cartridge that makes us happy.

Deer or elk to 350 yards, I have no problem with my 30-06 & handloads. Does just fine.

But I like the smaller bore, high velocity rifles as well, the 25-06 being my choice.

Enjoy the pursuit of your next hunting rifle! (y)

Guy Miner":3fkvfedq said:
preacher":3fkvfedq said:
Thanks Pard! I have some thinking to do.

Much as I love the good ol' 30-06 cartridge, I see it as a wonderful "generalist." Whereas cartridges like the 257 Wby & 264 Win mag are more specialized cartridges. All of them are good. It's really up to each of us to select the rifle & cartridge that makes us happy.

Deer or elk to 350 yards, I have no problem with my 30-06 & handloads. Does just fine.

But I like the smaller bore, high velocity rifles as well, the 25-06 being my choice.

Enjoy the pursuit of your next hunting rifle! (y)


Guy, this is a very good post. I agree with you on all points.

Fotis. + 1. I know several people who have decided the 270 Weatherby is the cats meow. Many feel it can easily do everything the 257 and 300 can do and with one rifle instead of two, which also means one scope instead of two, and if you reload, products and equipment to load one, not two--it is an EXCELLENT caliber. Also your post showing the 30-06 compared to the 264 was very informative and educational, thank you.

Scotty ( and Preacher )

Scotty, your the last person in the world I would disagree with as you are far more knowledgeable than I. BUT ( lol ) when you mentioned the 264 for bear to Preacher, I am hoping your thinking black bear or even inland grizzly should be o.k., but I would give pause before hunting coastal grizzly's with a 264, especially if there was no one there to back me up. Granted I have heard stories of polar bears being shot with a 22. But I have not done it and would not attempt it.
I too think certain calibers are "specialized", but I found that I like them in "generalized" sporters as I too have just never killed game past 375. Now, I have "shot at and missed" Pronghorn antelope at 500 and a tad further. One doe I missed 3 times in a row! She just stood there while that "invisible wind out there" played Hob with my fine rifle shooting! ha
I love to hunt the "edges" of aspen/black timber out here and a quick responding rifle suits me and my style better. I have carried heavier longer rifles in those places, but I have also missed opportunites because I couldn't get on him fast enough. I even did that once in a Georgia soy bean field. ( I jumped up a huge buck at 30yds, my 7mm mag BDL was a bit too unwieldy) I love the little lever actions in the woods but sometimes I found I wanted more range when I came to an opening or tram road, etc. I think I got "tainted" with a Mod 94 and an M16 in my Youth, ha.
For big bears (Alaska etc) ----300 and up for me .......and 340 bee is my comfort zone minimum
I see my .264 Win Mag just as Winchester had envisioned it, The Utlimate Western Rifle for Deer & Antelope. I have never hunted anything larger with it yet.
I see the 30-06 as a do it all round not as flat shooting but can carry the freight on larger Game than Deer or Antelope and that’s not bad thing for someone who wants one rifle for all there hunting.
The comparison for flat shooting should be 25-06 and .264 Win Mag. IMHO
TXbaldhunter":p3tm9g1l said:
I think the 30-06 it at it's best with a 165-168gr bullet.2900fps + is easily achievable,I have one with a 28" barrel that will get 3030fps ave. with a 168gr Ballistic Tip,B.C. on that bullet is .490.You run the ballistics on that bullet,it's quite impressive for a non-magnum round.

If I can't kill it with my 30/06 165 grn Partition I ain't going to start a fight with it .2810 mv average .

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