300 RUM 230 Berger and 220 Scenar


Dec 24, 2006
I was messing around a little a few weeks back. One of my buddies gave me a pile of 230 Berger’s and I had some left over 220 Scenars from my old 300 RUM.

Anyhow, I loaded a couple up at magazine length where they’d function and feed nicely.

Man, do they look short!

Anyhow, I have a bunch of N570 I decided to give a shot and see what the big gun would do with them.

I was quite impressed with the speeds attained by both of them. 2977’ish was the node for the 230’s and 3040 with the 220’s. That’s carrying some serious mail.

So I loaded up 6 of each to see if they’d even shoot, 220 Scenars first.

Not too bad. I am thinking I could work with that. Might have to swap some scopes around and see what a little more magnification would do for me.

230’s next up.

First three weren’t awful

I said darn! I was fairly blown away.

Here’s a little snapshot of my “shooting” bench :mrgreen:

It works and it’s right out my front door!

Anyhow, I know we talk about being close to the lands and all that all of the time, but these combos are MILES from the rifling. I’d bet they’re .2” or better. I didn’t even measure since I knew they’d be nowhere near what would function.

I may do some scope swapping and try a couple more today. I’m thinking this old rifle might need a Legend and do some hunting. I don’t mind a RUM being a bit heavier. It’s kind of a specialized tool for me anyhow.

More to follow!
Yeah, those are hanging together pretty good even with a big jump, and serious speed. Looks like a fun diversion.

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Good going Scotty. (y) Yes, looks very, very promising. Good luck going forward. Dan
Well, that's pretty doggone excellent!

And I like the front-walk rifle range! (y)
Guy Miner":oqwpr4ll said:
Well, that's pretty doggone excellent!

And I like the front-walk rifle range! (y)

How’s that old saying go? “Improvise, overcome and adapt”.... :mrgreen:
Wyatt makes a extended box the the M-70's. Those loaded rounds look pretty funny with the bullets seated that deep.
Well, that is quite the excellent report! Oh, yeah, that'll do in a pinch. (y)
IdahoCTD":p2p8m4tn said:
Wyatt makes a extended box the the M-70's. Those loaded rounds look pretty funny with the bullets seated that deep.

I have looked and that was my original plan but man, even seated so deep they still shoot well, I’m kinda second guessing even messing with it. Almost just wanna put the Legend on it and keep shooting. I’ve got a new 1-8 Krieger as well but it seems ashame to take this one apart right now.

DrMike":p2p8m4tn said:
Well, that is quite the excellent report! Oh, yeah, that'll do in a pinch. (y)

Thanks Mike. I thru a Meopta 4-14 on top just for grins.. I like the 14x but it might need to go on a diet... :mrgreen: