300 Weatherby mag

No worries. Between this 300 and my 264WM, I am getting pretty excited to get to the range and do some shooting! Scotty
I like the 180 Partition in the .300 Wby, use 84.5/IMR7828, Fed 215M in Wby brass. I certainly wouldn't go to 200 grain bullets, as I like the flatter trajectory of the 180s and have yet to recover a 180 Partition from game. Even flatter is the 165, also excellent in the Partition.
Thanks GF1. I will give 7828 a try if RL22 doesn't work out. I ordered some 180gr PT's but I think the 200gr PT's will do okay if they can be pushed to 2900 or better, which I wouldn't think the WBY would have any trouble doing. Scotty