300 win mag Question

Lab Rat

Sep 2, 2024
So last winter I built a 300 win mag on a tikka lite action with a 26” Lilja barrel
At the time I received my rifle I had a hard time finding reloading components so I used what I could find so it was RL 22
With 165 accubonds that chronographs at 3200 fps and since I elk hunt on a active tree farm on the coast of Oregon the elk don’t get to become a mature their age is around the 4-6 year old. So here’s my question with very little effort I’ve come across a load that is pretty accurate should I continue with this load or am I not getting the full potential out of the caliber (the picture below is one fowling shot next to orange dot then I raised it 1” so I didn’t shoot out my point of aim then two five shot groups)
That load will definitely keep elk in the freezer for you.
Since RL22 is unavailable these days, why not develop a back up load? A different powder and a different bullet would give you a great option if needed. SPS has had 180 gr AB seconds at a decent price point. IMR/H4831 or MagPro would be a couple of choices to consider.

For me, if I’m looking at your target correct that’s 10 shots into about 1.5” which is really fine for such a big rifle. 10 shots really let’s you see what’s happening with your gun and 3200 with the 165 will fetch elk quite a long way. I’d bet you’re keeping 2000fps out to 700 yards.

So, if you have enough 22 to keep you going then I’d not mess with it. If you don’t have enough I’d do as Jim mentioned and look at a back up powder, H4831 would be my next option since it’s everywhere or even H4350. Both of those will get you into about the same speed zone and should be good.

Pretty cool to see tiny 3 shot groups but man it’s really cool to see a good rifle plant 10 shots on point and it really lets you know everything is working great.
Candidly, you'll never get "full potential" out of a firing system. There is continual room for improvement as barrel wear progresses, as the throat erodes, as components are altered slightly. If you have a load that consistently puts your shots into the vitals of game at the yardage required and there is sufficient mass and velocity to disrupt vital systems, you're golden. You have a consistent load that appears to do everything you want. Loading to find a more precise load can be fun, but it does mean searching for components which can be an adventure in itself today.
There’s nothing wrong with 165s out of a 300 WM , my hunting load for the 300 Wby is 165gr TTSX.
Your rifle has shown to like that combo , I’d stick to it.
Candidly, you'll never get "full potential" out of a firing system. There is continual room for improvement as barrel wear progresses, as the throat erodes, as components are altered slightly. If you have a load that consistently puts your shots into the vitals of game at the yardage required and there is sufficient mass and velocity to disrupt vital systems, you're golden. You have a consistent load that appears to do everything you want. Loading to find a more precise load can be fun, but it does mean searching for components which can be an adventure in itself today.
Thats a whole lotta truth.
There’s nothing wrong with 165s out of a 300 WM , my hunting load for the 300 Wby is 165gr TTSX.
Your rifle has shown to like that combo , I’d stick to it.
Yep, built a light weight 300wm last year, my hopes were to shoot 200gr bullets. However it only wants to shoot 165gr Ballistic tips ,and it really loves them.
This happens to me all the time, I build a rifle with certain expectations for a load combination just to have the barrel let me know it had different tastes. 😣
One of my brothers shoots Rosie's on the coast with regularity. He uses a 300Rum and 165 Accubonds. He's only had one run on him after he hit it, but it was headed for the barn so he didn't shoot again. Never made it but he was able to get to it with a tractor.
I think you're well set up with that load. Good luck this fall.
Great buck and go forth and get your elk. Great bullet. Seen it really work well from an 06. It ain’t going to do any worse in a 300. Good luck this fall!
If components, powder, is scarce it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have two or three back up loads. You might also look at finding some other loads using other bullets jic.

That is if you like working up loads. Me? I hate working up loads. Lay in a lifetime supply of components for that load if you can and call it good.
