.338-06 vs .35 Whelen vs heavy .30-06

Feelers? I lost them a long time ago. My only feeler might be in the safe or the sock drawer that way I know it can't be hurt or lost.
MP, that is one good looking rifle. I would even shoot that right handed if it was in my safe 8)

I can buy 4 or 5 Remingtons for that price and put nice scopes on them also. Maybe two of each caliber. What do you think???
Thanks for all the input guys.

For now, the old Winchester rifle remains a .30-06, as it has been for closing in on 100 years, but someday it may shoot a bigger bullet...

That would be cool Guy. I see EFW has a nice 1917 SC in the classifieds.. I image that would make a cool rifle as well.
As I stated, Guy, nothing wrong with a .30-06. It is a proven commodity.
I bought an old Model 70 with a bad bore back in 1987 and it kicked around for years up in Alaska waiting to be turned into a 35 Whelen by old Will Flowler in Anchorage. I spoke to him about it a few times and he was happy to do it. At the time I had both a 30/06 and .338WM so it was on the "back burner". I never did do the project as a friend came along that wanted the pre 64 action for a project. I sold it to him and for years thought about building one. Then I bought a factory Ruger 77 already in 35 Whelen and sold the old .338WM and have never had any regrets .
I actually used to load a 250gr Barnes bullet back in the 1980s they offered at the time, in my 30/06 to keep in my gun when I was packing sheep meat in the Brooks Range and being followed by grizzlys. I never had to kill one but certainly had to shoot NEAR some to get them to leave me alone.......................... it was a theory I had at the time that a big heavy bullet might serve me better at real close quarters if I got into a confrontation with a bear over that sheep meat. From memory I think they were only moving along at something like 2200fps which is a long ways from the 2600 plus fps we now get with the 35 Whelen with 250gr bullets. I guess this is exactly why the 35 Whelen, was so popular up north for years, before it started to catch on down here. I have NOT shot much with my Whelen in the smaller sized game, but I suspect it would be a duplicate of what I had for experences with the .338WM ....................... blowing holes right thru game less than 400 lbs, and wounded animals staggering around . I shot some Caribou and Sheep with my 338, and had the same experance most of the time. I see alot of comments on the internet about shooting deer with the Whelen and while I am sure it would certainly anchor them hit squarely in the shoulder to get the bullet to slow down and expand some, I would expect one shot in the guts or late behind the lungs would be a long choir to track down as the exit hole would be a duplicate of the entrance hole and very very little energy would ever be extended into the animal.