357 Sig reloading questions


May 18, 2011
Hi everyone... been a bit since I've been on here. Hope all are well!

I just acquired a Sig 226 in 357 Sig ... just because it was interesting to me. The gun came to me with a large supply of ammo (9 full boxes, total), so I'll have some brass after I get to shoot it a bit.

Here's where the questions start.

I've not reloaded a bottleneck for a pistol before.

What don't I know that I need to know for reloading this round?

Thanks in advance...
While I haven't trimmed any yet, it is good to keep this case at X length (some data is .005" difference). Full size for sure and careful on expanding the mouth as to little will cause case crush when seating bullets.......ask me how I know. I also have the 226 in 357sig and it never has failed to feed or eject using factory mags. I just acquired a m&p 40s/w and installed a kkm 357sig barrel last night. I shoot 90-147's in the 226 and glock 31.


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Speaking of triggers, I'm curious how I'll feel about it's DAK trigger when I get to shoot it (maybe later today... it's too dang hot/muggy to get much work done outside). I've seen there are some options to replace that trigger if desired....maybe that'll wind up on the list.

Without going into the details, I got this for practically pennies along with all that ammo for it, so I can swing a few bucks if needed to customize it to my liking.

I could have had a DAO 226 in 9mm as well, but decided this was enough. I have a 320 (M17) in 9mm, and I know "need" is a 4 letter word, but it didn't seem like it was much needed in the collection so I let it go.

I'm hoping trimming isn't a frequent need, because that'll really be a pain if so. But... I seem to have a soft spot for the non-mainstream calibers, so it is what it is.

I'm curious to compare recoil to my 10mm's (Glock 20 Gen 3 and Glock 40 Gen 4).
I did some handloading for the 357 Sig earlier this year. Impressive cartridge! I saw 1400+ fps from a 3.9" barrel Sig P229 pistol with my 124 grain handloads. Hodgdon's Longshot powder at 9 grains did the job. Max was listed at 9.3, so there's a bit more on tap if you want it.

I lubed my cartridge cases and loaded them in Lee 357 Sig dies, but found out later that many people size the cases with titanium nitride 40 S&W dies so that they don't have to lube. Then they just size the neck in steel 357 Sig dies. Seems workable to me.

The little cartridge is a hoot! Great velocity, modest recoil. Easy to make hits and stay on target. Excellent reliability, not a single malfunction! It really does equal the power of a 125 grain 357 magnum revolver - as intended. Wear your ear protection! :)

After handloading for that 357 Sig, I was all hot to buy one for a bit, despite ammo and brass being in pretty short supply.

Then I loaded some more 124 grainers to 1200 fps from my 9mm Kimber. Ah... I think I'm fine sticking with the 9mm, though the hot-rodder in me really likes the 357 Sig. :)

I have the da/sa to be clear. Not having a chrono to measure I have only what the manual states velocity should be. If you're looking to shoot 100-150 yards this 9mil does it easier than +p+.
I did some handloading for the 357 Sig earlier this year. Impressive cartridge! I saw 1400+ fps from a 3.9" barrel Sig P229 pistol with my 124 grain handloads. Hodgdon's Longshot powder at 9 grains did the job. Max was listed at 9.3, so there's a bit more on tap if you want it.

I lubed my cartridge cases and loaded them in Lee 357 Sig dies, but found out later that many people size the cases with titanium nitride 40 S&W dies so that they don't have to lube. Then they just size the neck in steel 357 Sig dies. Seems workable to me.

The little cartridge is a hoot! Great velocity, modest recoil. Easy to make hits and stay on target. Excellent reliability, not a single malfunction! It really does equal the power of a 125 grain 357 magnum revolver - as intended. Wear your ear protection! :)

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One of my all time favorite pistols on DA/SA. I'll have to give that load a try when I get back to loading for pistols again.
These are a few of my favorite loads. The Pic with the arrow was a load I did on QL. According to QL it is a safe load......I will say not so much, but if using an efficient brake it is. W/O a brake I wouldn't shoot it. Sierra v-crown's are great (90, 115, 124, 125), but use 147gdhp instead of the xtp's. The xtp's are great as there's no need to expand the mouth due to having a boat-tail if that helps.20240803_182636.jpg20240803_182632.jpg20240803_182625.jpg
Hi everyone... been a bit since I've been on here. Hope all are well!

I just acquired a Sig 226 in 357 Sig ... just because it was interesting to me. The gun came to me with a large supply of ammo (9 full boxes, total), so I'll have some brass after I get to shoot it a bit.

Here's where the questions start.

I've not reloaded a bottleneck for a pistol before.

What don't I know that I need to know for reloading this round?

Thanks in advance...
As has been said full length resize and understand that the case shrinks just a little bit after firing. Headspace off the shoulder and not the case mouth. Everglades ammo makes bullets for this caliber (the shoulder is set higher) I use a Lee factory crimp die as it eliminates bullet setback. Power pistol works excellent if you're looking for self defense loads.
As has been said full length resize and understand that the case shrinks just a little bit after firing. Headspace off the shoulder and not the case mouth. Everglades ammo makes bullets for this caliber (the shoulder is set higher) I use a Lee factory crimp die as it eliminates bullet setback. Power pistol works excellent if you're looking for self defense loads.
The shoulder makes more sense, but I've read somewhere it's off the mouth. I guess I need to check the chamber and that should give the answer
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