358Win Hawkeye Is Here - Range Report Starts Soon

Varget will shoot under an inch if the shooter does his part and it gives the best velocities. I will be seeing if it will shoot a string of groups consistently because it's velocities are what I want. If it is not consistent I won't use it and I will stick with 2495 because 47grs was under an inch giving me 2446fps. If I had to hunt today with the rifle I am finished with load work but since I don't have to hunt with it today and have all spring to really play with it I will still do some work. But it will take a lot of consistency to pull me away from the 46.5grs of 2495 and the groups it produces even though my velocity is 2392fps
bullet":316ke9no said:
beretzs":316ke9no said:
Wow, that is awesome. You have a really accurate "brush gun". HA. There is nothing in NA that will take a 225gr bullet at under 300 and make it very far. It looks like your load worked really well. I am dieing to get home and start cranking out some rounds now. I need to get a scope and mounts for the Browning. If I can shoot HALF as good as you do I will be pretty satisfied. That rifle and scope look fantastic. I am really jealous of that rig. I might have to look into that scope for the BLR. It may be just the ticket! Scotty

Bullet, if you wouldn't mind, could you PM me some of your better loads so I can save them for reference to when I start loading. Scotty

No problem and one good thing with the 225gr bullet and the 358Win cartridge you can't over load the round with the powders I give you because they are all compressed charges and there was not even a rolling of the lip where the firing pin hits the primer. This is one efficient round and a barrel could last two life times of serious shooting with no problem. Here are the loads that performed the best in accuracy in order of best to worst. 46.5grs Accurate, 46grs Accurate, 47grs Accurate, 49.5grs Varget, 48.9grs IMR4320 and OAL was 2.7695"


IT seems like AA2495 is a good powder and I would be pretty happy with 2450! 2400 is my goal so anything over that is gravy. Thanks again for the data. I can't wait to try them out.

I used Varget on my first loads for the 358, since I had it on the bench. I could only get 47 grains of it in the 358 with the 225 Sierra and then 48 with the 220 Speer. I tried to do 48 with the 225 Sierra and it was so compressed the bullet would not stay put. Did you have to use a drop tube to get that much Varget in the case? Scotty
bullet":1v4eojo9 said:
Varget will shoot under an inch if the shooter does his part and it gives the best velocities. I will be seeing if it will shoot a string of groups consistently because it's velocities are what I want. If it is not consistent I won't use it and I will stick with 2495 because 47grs was under an inch giving me 2446fps. If I had to hunt today with the rifle I am finished with load work but since I don't have to hunt with it today and have all spring to really play with it I will still do some work. But it will take a lot of consistency to pull me away from the 46.5grs of 2495 and the groups it produces even though my velocity is 2392fps

Bullet, did you have any trouble getting that much powder in the case. I mean, did 47 grains fit into the case without too much compression. I would be happy if I got 2400 out of my shorter barrel.

Nosler lists 2520FPS or so with a max charge of IMR4895. Did you try any of that? Scotty
All the loads I gave you were right at the bottom of the neck. I trickle my powder down slowly into the case then I use a rubber pad and lightly tap the case on the rubber pad to get it to settle the last little bit. I have no problem with seating or the bullet staying put and I do not use a crimp. Also, this is a Lee die which has been a real cool, not expensive die that has produced the tight groups you all have seen me post with the 30-06, 300wby and 358win.
Alright, maybe that was where I was going wrong, I wasn't tapping the case to get the powder to settle. I did have very good accuracy with 47gr of Varget and the 225 Sierra. If I remember, they were right around 1.5" at 100 and that was using the iron sights shooting a larger orange bullseye. I would think I may be able to tighten it up alot with a scope with any magnification. The 220 Sierras shot exactly the same, plus, they were all dead center at 100. The groups would have been right on top of one another. Should be good for an emergency! Scotty
For compressed loads, I use a Black & Decker Mouse sander. I remove the abrasive pad and hold the charged case against the pad on the sander with my index finger over the case mouth. I turn on the sander for 3-4 seconds and turn it off. The sander vibrates the powder charge and settles it down quite nicely.

That is perfect, I already have one of those. I will have to give that a try. Now I am determined to make it work with Varget. I got excellent accuracy for iron sights, just not the velocity I was looking for. Scotty
My gunsmith told me to try this when I was working up loads in my 280 AI. worked perfectly. I also do the same when loading Retumbo in my 338 RUM.

Just make sure you keep your index finger on the case mouth until the sander is off. You will only do it once. :lol:

Good point. I would imagine you learn fast. I was wondering how all the data out there is showing upwards of 50 grains of Varget and I was barely able to get 47 in with the bullet. This should get me alot closer to my goal and hopefully I can stick with one powder for all three rifles. Scotty
It has been a consistent under an inch powder on all three loads I shot with it as noted in an earlier post. 47grs got me to 2446fps and it was under an inch also.

My experience with the Hawkeye 358 is that I have a variety of loads that are sub MOA and velocities are very good. What you are finding is precisely what I have observed. Great rifle and should work very well on all reasonable game in North America.
For compressed loads, I use a Black & Decker Mouse sander. I remove the abrasive pad and hold the charged case against the pad on the sander with my index finger over the case mouth. I turn on the sander for 3-4 seconds and turn it off. The sander vibrates the powder charge and settles it down quite nicely.


That sounds like a splendid idea. Never thought of it for compressed loads. Next thing you know, you'll be loading HE loads, just like some of the professionals.
Hopefully the BLR can measure up. My wife has a Hawkeye in 308 and it is a great shooter too. I would like a matching one in 338 Federal! Scotty

My BLR is very good and I have several loads that shoot well in it. I believe the calibre is excellent, and you should find good groups in your rifle.
I have already done pretty well with initial loads and iron sights. I am not worried. I know I will find what I am looking for. Thanks for the advise from you all though. It is getting me amped to try some of them out. Scotty
I will be going back to the range Monday morning to try a new powder IMR3031, re-test Varget and confirm performance of two loads with 2495 46.5grs and 47grs. I am doing this to basically see if I can close the book on load development for the 225gr Sierra Game King.

I know you guys can relate to my next comment. I really like this rifle and cartridge, so much so that it could become a favorite one for me to use. It is just a feeling I have but it is a strong one. I actually like the feel of it and it's looks better than my Mark V Custom 30-06, Yeah I know!!! NO!!!! I am not drinking.
That group is fantastic, very surprising from a stock rifle. When hunting with a rifle like that it would seem that it's not "if" the game is yours, but whether you want it or not. And that makes hunting alot more fun.

I agree about the Ruger. The classic lines and the scope look really well put together. I am sure it is going to be a favorite. I like it enough to want to do the same thing, but maybe in a 338 Federal or something like that. Scotty

I've held off on the 338 Federal because I want proper headstamped brass. I'm really not keen on paying for commercial ammunition just to get the brass. I know I could neck up 308 brass, but I do want proper headstamped brass, so I've put off the 338 Federal. The 358 works just fine, however.
Thats a good point. I think it will probably be some time before I invest in the 338Fed. It is a nice round, but I have enough to kill all the NA big twice over with what I have right now. Scotty
Boy, glad I don't worry about stuff like that! If I was concerned about not duplicating, I would have just bought an '06!

(Note to self: don't have an '06 yet. Need to get one. Maybe one of the new Winchester M70FWT?)