375 RUM velocities


Nov 17, 2005
I might be picking up an XCR in a 375 RUM. I can get it at a good price with dies/brass/bullets so I figured why not. I was curious as to what some of you are using out of them and what your accuracy and velocity is like from them? I will be putting a brake on it, just a matter of time and money. Untill then, it probly wont get shot much other then from the lead sled.

1st choice bullet wise that I would like to use would be the 260g AB and hope for 3000fps. 2nd choice would be the 300g sierra BT for 2800fps.

Is 2900fps achievabale with a 300g slug??

Was hoping the 260g AB/3000fps combo could possibly work out to 800 yards. Obviously some field shooting would be the final decision, but it looks like the numbers are still there.
Guys, been shooting the 375RUM XCR since it was first introduced...260 AB, 97.4gr H4350, Federal 215 primers, pushing 3080 fps. The only change to factory spec gun is replacing the ugly factory stock with a laminate/self-bedded stock. No brake, no special recoil pad. The range I frequent only goes to 300 yds, and my best group at that is 2.5". Have tried the 300 PT, but like the AB better. Yes, it is a boomer! But with that much powder, what wouldn't be???
You are about to embark in the ultimate elk rifle :shock:
With 260 gr. accubonds you wil be able to kill any elk at any time at any range that you can place a decent shot from. From 30 yards with almost no blood shot unless you decide to hit the shoulder, to 250 yards on a raking shot thrue 4 feet of wet rumen to blow out the heart/lungs or 600 yards with more effect than a 30-06 at 250 yards. 5500 FPE. elevates
Bang flop to a new dimension.
Ditto TRIC's velocity 3080 FPS. 97.0 grs. IMR 4350. 260 gr. Nosler AccuBond. CCI 250 primers. Case lingth 2.85". OAL 3.59" Remington 700 XCR. I put a muzzle break on mine to mitigate the scope-eye factor and 5 elk can testify "IT WORKS" :wink:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
99 gr og imr 7828 2980 fps 270 tsx. 1/2" at 100 yds