416 Rem ready to hunt

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
I finally got a chance to take the 416 Rem out to the range for preliminary testing.
I shot for velocity and string consistency just trying everything out. It held about an inch at 50 yards in each load but I wasn't trying for accuracy. I just wanted to see if I had any problems. The best was with the 90 gr. load of Reloader 15 behind a 300 gr. TSX using CCI 250 primers. It averaged 2633 fps. with 2627-2633-2639 which I thought was pretty consistent.
This rifle has a 22" barrel with porting about 3 " back from the muzzle. I''m sure it's costing me a hundred fps. or better. It's a fairly thick barrel but balances and isn't too heavy. I think it will work ok. I did some repair on the McMillan stock and painted it. I'm not sure what scope to put on it. I have a 4x12 Bushnell Trophy on it with the 600 DOA reticle for now.005.JPG
I didn't realize what a crummy picture I took till now. I'll put some new ones up tomorrow.

Nice rifle!
Take a look at the VX-3 1.75-6x32mm, it would be excellent with the 416 Remington.

Jim's suggestion for a scope is spot on. Man, that has to throw a chunk of weight whenever it is fired. It'll put the smack down on everything from bears to antelope.
I have a 1.5 X 5 Leupold VariXIII on one of my short/medium range rifles, and on the other I have a straight 3X Leupold. Get along with both fine.
+1 on the 1.5-5. I figure when I get a .375 or .416 of my own, that's the glass I'll run.