50 Noslers at 300 yards.

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Had the afternoon free, so I headed to the range like I do most Mondays! It was cool, about 28 or so, with virtually no wind for a change, and an occasional snow flurry. Nice day for shooting! We've got some 12" x 12" steel gongs and a head/shoulders steel silhouette (must have been a small fellow, challenging target) hanging at 300 yards. I checked the cold bore on a few clay pigeons at 100 yards, then started popping the steel gongs at 300. First from prone, then sitting, then standing. Eventually I ran through my 50 rounds of .308 ammo and headed home. It was a great afternoon!



For you dedicated handloader types, I was using the .308 Win with Wincester cases, CCI BR primers, a max charge of Varget and 155 gr Nosler bullets at 2850 fps.

Best run standing was 3 hits, best run from sitting was five hits which is all the rifle holds. Prone? Gimme a break, I'd have to fall over dead or something to miss a 12"x12" gong at 300 yards from prone!

Dang I love this stuff!

Semper Fi, Guy
I am jealous. That looks like way too much fun. No wind in that country must be a miracle!! I need to get out soooo badly. My son and I have not went coyote calling yet, and we also want to test our 6mm's out to 500 yards on targets. Our rifle range only goes up to 300 so we have to find a place out in the country to set up our targets in, and use a range finder to get exact yardages. I'm looking forward to it. His Leupold scope has the B&C reticle and we need to see how close it is and where we need to hold for 400 and 500 yards. The only way to know for sure is to shoot, you cannot know it from a loading manual or a trajectory chart, although they do give a good starting point.

Good shooting sir! 8)
Guy, that shooting place is so cool. I,m stuck with a 100 yard range and a one thousand member roster. I never have it to myself. Your so lucky to go long range all by yourself. neat :grin:

Looks like fun! I know you shoot 600 yds, how far can you shoot at your range? Its tough to find long range shooting here in the mid west. :x

Actual firing line and target pits for 600 yard competition, but we have some steel targets placed farther out. From where I was shooting in this post, I can range a steel target at about 820 yards. That same target can be fired on from the 600 yard line, and is a bit over 1200 yards from there.

It's really quite a facility, pity is that many of the members don't really realize what a gem it is and balk at putting any time or money into the place. As I understand, it was established in the 1940's.

Two archery ranges, indoors and outdoors. Also once a year the club hosts a big 3-D shoot that takes up most of the place.

An indoor .22 range. We've trained a lot of Boy Scout rifle shooters there over the years.

A range set up for NRA Highpower competition, 200, 300 & 600 yard lines.

Informal rifle shooting areas as well.

A Cowboy town - very cool - and I'm not even "into" that stuff, but those fellows really set up the cowboy-shooting town well.

Trap & Skeet ranges.

Outdoor pistol bays.

All that for $65/year!

We share the land with a race-track. This helps us pay the bills, but from time to time the race cars interfere with shooting. For some reason they don't like us firing over the track, which is necessary to shoot at 500 & 600 yards! :grin: This time of year there's no conflict at all, no ice/snow racing, just a lot of good long-range shooting. Actually teaming up with the race track worked out real well for us. We are a little concerned about housing developments creeping ever closer to the gun club...

Regards, Guy

You have an awesome facility! If I was 3k miles closer.........

Our club only goes out to 300 yds, further than most around here.
We have the same issue as you do, most don't want to put in any time.

Nice club you have there Guy. :grin:

That would have been a fine afternoon for certain. I can't understand the reluctance of the fellows on the track to your shooting when they are running cars.

Our range goes to 400 yards, but we are able to find a few log slashes that let us shoot to 1500 yards. We just don't want to be caught by the firearms police, as in Canada we are only legal to shoot (other than hunting) at an approved range.
I guess you say that i am very fortunate. I bought some property that joins my place and with a little work i will soon have a 600 yard range right out my back door. Yep, very lucky indeed.
Looks like fun Guy! Glad ya could get out again. I see ya left the new Marlin home. 300 yd gongs with that would be fun too! :wink: Course my old eyes wont do that, but be fun to try. Nice Range. CL
Great shooting guy. I like the standing at 300. That would be a real challenge. Now the Marine Corps has gone to a combat standing where you face the tgt and actually present your rifle to the target. Big change for us guys that used a tight sling and a bladed stance but still pretty easy at the 200 with the M16A2 and combat sights. Scotty
Guy, looks like you had a great day. Better that being at work.
Hey whats that white stuff on the ground?
Thanks for the comments guys. Yeah, I like going to this range, it's only a few minutes from the house and open year round. I've been a member for years. We can actually shoot out to 1200 or so yards, a few of us anyway... I generally limit myself to the 820 yard shooting, the little .308 is sort of running out of steam at longer distances!

The USMC did WHAT??? :grin: Things change. I guess this makes me Old Corps now... I'll take that.

With my current assignment I'm off work every Monday, so it's a range day. Keeps me sharp. Generally go through 50 - 100 .308's, a hundred .45's and a whole pile of .22's as well. Sometimes I'll throw in a hunting rifle or two to play with as well.

Regards, Guy