6.5/300 WSM

FOTIS":zhp114ru said:

3100-3150 fps?

I haven't chrono'd or shot any loads yet. I'm guessing the 130's should be in that ball park. I'm hoping to go out this week and pop a few rounds. I'm heading south on Fri for a week so I've got a few things to do before leaving.
FOTIS":3cprewzu said:

3100-3150 fps?

I would bet he will do better than that with a 130. I would have guessed into the 3200's at a minimum. Scotty
glane5910":igvt59pv said:
FOTIS":igvt59pv said:

3100-3150 fps?

I haven't chrono'd or shot any loads yet. I'm guessing the 130's should be in that ball park. I'm hoping to go out this week and pop a few rounds. I'm heading south on Fri for a week so I've got a few things to do before leaving.

Ok, took it out for the 1st time today. 120gr Barnes TSX with 58.0gr RL232 went 0.446" at 100 yards(I can cover with a nickel). These were loaded 0.050" off the lands. I tried three with 66.0grs of Ramshot Magnum which had the same basic group size and POI as the RL22 rounds. I didn't have my chrono with me though. It didn't like the load I used with 130gr Berger VLD, they were aound 1.75". Overall, I'm pleased with the group size with the TSX's. I could change seating depths etc when I get more time but for a hunting load, I really don't see the point.


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    6.5WSM 120gr TSX group.jpg
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Thanks. I was thinking about trying those and Accubonds. I have avoided using Scirocco basically because Swift was very (let me be nice here) nasty when I asked for some loading data a few years ago. I haven't bought any Swift bullets since. They told me to "buy the book" and wouldn't give me any data. I've never had ANY other bullet maker tell me that.
glane5910":21yx4hnc said:
Thanks. I was thinking about trying those and Accubonds. I have avoided using Scirocco basically because Swift was very (let me be nice here) nasty when I asked for some loading data a few years ago. I haven't bought any Swift bullets since. They told me to "buy the book" and wouldn't give me any data. I've never had ANY other bullet maker tell me that.
:shock: Not cool Swift, not cool at all!
glane5910":1i1ggo0b said:
Thanks. I was thinking about trying those and Accubonds. I have avoided using Scirocco basically because Swift was very (let me be nice here) nasty when I asked for some loading data a few years ago. I haven't bought any Swift bullets since. They told me to "buy the book" and wouldn't give me any data. I've never had ANY other bullet maker tell me that.

I would have the same attitude if that had been my experience with them. I have had quite the opposite any time I have called or emailed them for info. The balistition that I spoke to for 6.5 load data did not have any data, but spent time asking questions about what I had tried and did offer the info of seating the Sciroccos further away from the lands for better accuracy. He shoots a 270WSM and found best accuracy between 30 and 50 thousandths off the lands (same is true in my rifle).

The Accubonds shoot fairly well in my rifle (will be refered to as the 264WSM from this point forward :mrgreen: ), and will be a great bullet for you to try. I think the 140 grain Partition will be the next bullet I work loads up for.
So after two months I got a call from Shilen last week, Randy finally decided to fix his mistake. And I thought they have been waiting to buy a proper reamer and cut the chamber with a new barrel? No, it sat around for two months just to turn the barrel back and recut the chamber.
These guys think it's odd that I called them out on having cut the neck too long? Ya, they wanted to bring it too my attention because it's a wildcat there is no data for it, and no SAMMI specs. OK, we're not rebuilding the wheel here, just look at the published data there is out there and leave it all the same and neck it down! Pretty simple really. Besides, who would want a case neck length .0485" longer then the published length just to build up a hugh carbon ring and reduce the life of the barrel even less then the 500-650 rounds it may last?
Sorry but these guys aren't scoring any high points on my list. I just hope when the gun does show up I wont be even more less impressed?
I'll keep those of you posted. Bad news is since my gun range and where I hunt is out my back door, I wont be doing any range work until after December! :|
I do need to make a disclaimer on the group size. I had forgotten to bring my rest out to the range with me so I was only able to put a borrowed bag under the forearm. I couldn't get a good cheek weld with the rifle so close to the bench top and pretty much just tried to put the dot in the same spot on the target. I have no doubt that with a proper rest so I could shoot comfortably would shrink the group size considerably.