
BK":3torj38s said:
I'm kinda funny, I guess. For me, the .257, 6.5 and .358 WSMs are much more interesting than any of the original WSMs (well, except the 7mm, which nobody but Browning makes anymore).

Browning is the only company that still makes rifles in 7WSM? Been looking at getting some kind of 7mag after i get my 1895 45-70. Guess its gonna be another RUM in the safe :grin: Or maybe 6.5WSM or 280AI?
ls1cwby":77lw84sd said:
First range report. After some break in and scope sighting I got to shoting some groups. All loads used Retumbo. Started at 59.0 gr with 140 AB, 130 Scirocco, and 129 SST. Much to my surprise the 140 AB loads had lots of pressure signs, Stiff bolt, extractor marks and severely flattened primers. So I stopped with the 140 AB. The 130 and 129 clocked at 2850fps, with the 129 SST making a 3 shot group of .8". 130 Scirocco was at about 1.5". Went up .6 gr at a time. At 61.4 gr the SST opened up to 2" and the scirocco shrunk to .5", velocity was up to 3160fps!! Ran out of day light at this point. There is still room to go as I was not seeing any pressure signs at 61.4 gr. Would like to get near 3250fps with the 130's. Can someone tell me how much of an affect on pressure bullet seating depth has. I have magazine lenght left but the throat is short. Would seating the 140 AB deep make more pressure than if it was out farther? I have about .110" left in the magazine.

You will increase pressure when seating the bullet deeper. Reason being is your are shrinking the combustion chamber. How much, don't know that, I am sure the others will have better advice on that. It sounds like it is working pretty well though. Those are great speeds for just starting out. It looks really promising to me. Plus, there are at least 10 powders that will probably work really well in that cartridge. Also, are you building cases off the 270/7/300WSM? Just wondering, all of the dies I have found are 300WSM.

30-338, I remember the old Short Mag forum. I liked it, too bad it got canned. Either way, I imagine with QL and some other references, it won't be too hard to develop great data for the 6.5.

Bryan- don't get distracted.... Gotta get you the 1895 first. You will probably give up those UM's then! Scotty
I am using 270WSM brass. It is the same as the 300WSM. The 7mmWSM has a little longer body.
Rgr, got it. Thanks for the heads up on that. What die set are you using? Any issues with sizing? Scotty
I am using the Redding die set. Resizing has been easy, one time through the sizing die and it is ready. Have read where some were crushing cases when using 300WSM brass though.
Nice, sounds good. What is your next step with it? I am really following this, cause I would like to pick up a M70 WSM and have it rebarreled. I think it would be a very versatile cartridge. Scotty
Next step is to continue working to see where I hit pressure with the 130 Scirocco. Then I would like to play with the !40 AB to see what I can make happen. Depending on what bullet you would like to shoot, make sure you got a long magazine. I already had the gun(270WSM) so I knew I was stuck with a 3" magazine. A long action might be better because the 6.5 bullets are very long. The 140 AB is seated well below the shoulder probably .3". I can only seat it for a COAL of 2.83" right now. I have enough mag length but the throat is short. Contemplating extending the throat another .110". Will be the weekend before I can play with it more.
Thanks for the range report Is1cwby...sounds like the Scirocco bullets have promise. Are you planning on trying any Partitions or A-frames in your testing?
ls1cwby":1d2z6bdl said:
Should be able to give a report shortly, I'm picking up the gun tomorow. I will be trying the 140 AB to start with. Have 129gr SST and 130 Scirroco to try also.
That 140 AB is very long and will eat up some case space. Retumbo will be the first powder and I'll have to see what happens.

Any more info on you 6.5WSM? Scotty
Sorry but no, I have not touched it since before XMAS. It's been crazy, I'm in Idaho for work for this week, looks like my first chance might be Super Bowl weekend. Do you have a specific question?
The 6.5 WSM in an interesting round. Looking forward to the range reports.

ls1cwby":3paw1jl9 said:
Sorry but no, I have not touched it since before XMAS. It's been crazy, I'm in Idaho for work for this week, looks like my first chance might be Super Bowl weekend. Do you have a specific question?

Nah, nothing really specific, just want to see how your load work goes and what kinds of speeds you get out of 130's and 140's. It seems like a really good cartridge. Scotty
Finally snuck out to do some more shooting with the 6.5 WSM. Long story but I ended up at 3240fps, with 130gr Scirocco and 65.2gr of Retumbo and a standard WLR(not Magnum Primer). This load produced a nice little group of .46". Plenty good enough for me and I like the velocity also. I switched to the standard primer after I was getting a lot of pressure at approx. 3200fps with the magnum primer. This load is not showing any pressure signs, I may push this harder, but this will certainly make a fine deer/antelope round.
That group will do. Pretty good. I agree that it will make a fine deer/antelope round.
This is a touch off topic, but does anybody know how the magazine length compares between the WSM Winchester actions vs Remington? I would think that a 700 action in a McMillan A3 stock, with a total (dry) weight of 9.5 to 10 lbs. would be a dandy long range paper and steel killer. But if the M70 has a longer magazine...
ls1cwby":2ibdeg03 said:
Finally snuck out to do some more shooting with the 6.5 WSM. Long story but I ended up at 3240fps, with 130gr Scirocco and 65.2gr of Retumbo and a standard WLR(not Magnum Primer). This load produced a nice little group of .46". Plenty good enough for me and I like the velocity also. I switched to the standard primer after I was getting a lot of pressure at approx. 3200fps with the magnum primer. This load is not showing any pressure signs, I may push this harder, but this will certainly make a fine deer/antelope round.

That sounds like a GREAT load. Great shooter and excellent speed. Scotty
The 6.5 wsm is very interesting to me as well.

I have been thinking hard about an M70 in a step brother 6.5 Rem Mag or a 6.5-06.