6.5x55 Swede Opinions Wanted Please

Aleena, I finally just had everything made for any plant, anywhere, made with metric dimensions and hardware. Most of our assembly and packaging equipment came from Germany anyhow and even our US made injection molding presses were metric. No point insisting to maintain an inch dimensional standard which more than half our manufacturing plants and none of my customer plants even used. My office was in Salt Lake but my work was ex-US.

Anyhow the upshot of that was the ability to convert units in my head and think metric mostly to converse with my client plants engineers. We in the US had a chance when the Brit's and Canadian's went metric in the 1950's but the now defunct SAE (Soc. of Auto Engineers) said no, so here we are fifty years later.
Well I guess my mind was made up by others....I missed out on the 6.5x55 - sold. Guess its the 30-06

Thanks for all the input guys. Greatly appreciated!!
Mighty Peace":g39qbj5l said:
Well I guess my mind was made up by others....I missed out on the 6.5x55 - sold. Guess its the 30-06

Thanks for all the input guys. Greatly appreciated!!
BRNO, Ludwig Lowe or DWM mauser 98 action: S100-200
Shilen 6.5x55 barrel: $225
RM AAA american walnut stock: $225
Timney trigger and safety: $125
Gunsmithing $400-500 for "delux" package including stock work.

You'll have one beautiful rifle that is put together exactly as you like it. Either that or you could order a brand new SAKO or Tikka in that calibre.