
Sep 15, 2005
I made a quick trip out to Mac’s Gunworks this morning to do a second confirmation of drops out to 768 yards BDA854A4-56C8-415D-B092-82952F8DDCDC.jpegon my 308 Winchester loaner XP-100 {Dirty Thirty} and some finalization of load development on this King Custom 6BR XP-100. I found a seating depth and a charge that will be sufficient-Thanks Tim King!
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May I ask a question, since we do not have such "pistols" over here and are not allowed to hunt with them anyway:
What does that make a pistol?
I mean: my idea was always you shoot a pistol standing (not always) holding it mostly free in one or two hands. That's what I do with my pistols and revolver.
From the looks, those pistols are short barreled rifles without the butstock, shot from a bipod. Like a rifle.
I can understand that it is more challenging.
But is the difference between pistol and rifle only the lack of the butstock?
No offense! Simply nothing I run into on my side of the big pond
May I ask a question, since we do not have such "pistols" over here and are not allowed to hunt with them anyway:
What does that make a pistol?
I mean: my idea was always you shoot a pistol standing (not always) holding it mostly free in one or two hands. That's what I do with my pistols and revolver.
From the looks, those pistols are short barreled rifles without the butstock, shot from a bipod. Like a rifle.
I can understand that it is more challenging.
But is the difference between pistol and rifle only the lack of the butstock?
No offense! Simply nothing I run into on my side of the big pond
I am sure Ernie will follow up better then I can, but what classifies a pistol is, yes the lack of butt stock, and a short barrel. Rifles must have a minimum barrel length of 16" and a minimum 26" overall length. You can have a short barreled rifle but there are legal hoops to jump thru
May I ask a question, since we do not have such "pistols" over here and are not allowed to hunt with them anyway:
What does that make a pistol?
I mean: my idea was always you shoot a pistol standing (not always) holding it mostly free in one or two hands. That's what I do with my pistols and revolver.
From the looks, those pistols are short barreled rifles without the butstock, shot from a bipod. Like a rifle.
I can understand that it is more challenging.
But is the difference between pistol and rifle only the lack of the butstock?
No offense! Simply nothing I run into on my side of the big pond
In the USA, guns are designated by the manufacturer, whether the action is a rifle or a pistol.
As mentioned, rifles have to have a barrel of at least 16" and must have an overall length of at least 26"
Handguns don't have a minimum or a maximum barrel length it could be a 1 inch barrel or a 35" barrel
Self defense handguns and plinkers and comp shooting like action pistol matches are primarily shot off-hand.
In the hunting handgun world though, the majority of the time a wise hunter will try to find a solid rest whether it is natural in nature or one that he brought with him (or a combination of the two).
These specialty pistols are on the wild side of handguns, but they are completely a handgun in the USA.
Remington brought out the XP-100 (eXperimental Pistol) in the early 60's.
I love shooting these things. I have only shot one deer standing off-hand with no support. I always look for a field rest of some kind.
Plan to drop confirmations later today, weather permitting with it. Probably out to 750+ yards, maybe out to grand
Had some bench rifles in 6mmBR. Punched paper and 1 ground hog. I bet this cartridge would be lots of fun in your pistol. Dan.
I made a quick trip out to Mac’s Gunworks this morning to do a second confirmation of drops out to 768 yards View attachment 16929on my 308 Winchester loaner XP-100 {Dirty Thirty} and some finalization of load development on this King Custom 6BR XP-100. I found a seating depth and a charge that will be sufficient-Thanks Tim King!
View attachment 16928

That is one tricked out looking pistol. I really like it !!!
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Very, very cool.

How much does that setup weigh? Obviously you've got a pretty big muzzle break on that sucker, but I am curious what recoil feels like shooting a .308 out of a pistol? I've only ever shot that out of a rifle.
Very, very cool.

How much does that setup weigh? Obviously you've got a pretty big muzzle break on that sucker, but I am curious what recoil feels like shooting a .308 out of a pistol? I've only ever shot that out of a rifle.
This is my 308 Win XP with 168's.
The 155's recoil less.