7 mm Weatherby Mag loaders


Jan 6, 2011
I am a new member to this forum having registered this week. Great forum by the way.

I did a search and did not find many topics about reloading the 7mm Wea Mag. Would like to start a little discussion on this cartridge.

We got any 7 Wea users out there??


Welcome to the forum. The 7 mm Weatherby is a great cartridge. Unfortunately, because it is so close in ballistics to the 7mm RM, it got shot out of the water. Those who have them love them, however. I'm certain others who are loading for this cartridge will let you know shortly. Nevertheless, if you have a 7mm Weatherby, you have most of North American hunting covered. It may be a neglected cartridge today, but that doesn't mean it is an inferior cartridge. Have you got a picture of your rifle to post?
Oh yeah, I have both 7mm Wea and 7 mm Rem and have reloaded for them for many years. Ballistically about the same. Just wanting to compare some load data and safe velocities with a few other experienced reloaders.


I had great luck with the 7mm Bee and the 160 gr AccuBond. With RL22 it did close to 3200 fps and under MOA at 200 yards.
What charge weight did you use and group size?

I loaded the same combo, 73.0 gr RL 22 and 160 gr AB, got 3050 fps out of my rifle with about .75" 3 shot groups. Was also wondering how much more I could safely push it.
Dont have a picture, but it is a standard Mk V Deluxe, wooden stock, Japanese made, 24 inch barrel. Scoped with a Swarovski 4 x 12 x 50 AV with a TDS reticle.
I thought I responded to this post this morning, but I must have screwed up somewhere.

I own a Remington 700 Classic chambered in 7mm Weatherby Magnum and find it a great rifle and cartridge. I am of the opinion that it is just a little better than the 7mm Remington magnum.

For sure, if I were stuck with only factory ammo, I would much rather have the Wby version. I have chronographed a number of both, the 7mm Wby and the 7mm Remington. In every case the Wby rifles and ammo gave the kind of velocities expected of them. In every case the Remingon rifles and ammo gave lower velocities than expected, often MUCH lower.

With reloads the differences are not so dramatic, but the Weatherby cartridge is still the winner.

In my own rifle, I long ago settled on a load of 72 grains of IMR 7828 behind a Nosler 160 grain Partition. Great load, 3150 fps, 3/4 inch groups, and good performance on game. When the lead bullet ban hit this part of California I wound up going with the same load but substituting the Barnes 160 grain TSX for virtually identical performance.
If you can, throw up a picture of that rifle! Sounds like a very nice one. I have a 7RM, but the WBY is a cool one! Scotty
What are you guys doing for seating depth? As close to the lands as the mag allows or a shorter length?

Mine are seated as long as the mag allows. With 160 AB's I get abot .75" 3 shot groups and with 162 gg SST's I get 1bout 1 1/4" groups, 2 tight and 1 flyer usually.

Any other suggestions?

I'll post a picture Monday of my rifle.
If you are getting the two in and one out, I would try turning the seating stem in a 1/4 turn at a time. Jim passed that on to me and it seems to work pretty well. Scotty
In regard to seating depth, I too just seat the bullets to fit in the magazine. I own two Remington 700 Classics chambered in Weatherby cartridges. One is the 7mm Wby Mag, the other a 300 Wby mag. In both rifles I just chose a length that would fit the magazine as they both have plenty of freebore and I cannot get anywhere close to the lands. Both shoot nice round 3/4 inch groups. I do not get all that excited about messing with OAL except for some of my varmint rifles. I just do not see significant differences in the larger caliber rifles I own.
I checked my notes. Another load I used was 78 gr of Retumbo with the 160 AB. 3250 fps. Max in my rifle. Start low, work up slow.
That is a cranking load! Might have to give Retumbo a try in my 7RM sometime. Seems like if it works for one, it should work in another. Scotty