$700 .375 H&H

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
In the back of my mind for about 25 years, I've "needed" a .375 H&H. You know, for that trip to Africa or Alaska someday. I never get around to buying one although I've looked at a few over the years. Even turned one down and sent my buddy for it when I found a great old BRNO/Mauser in .375 H&H last year.

Most of them tend to be in higher end guns, but lately I've been quite taken with a .375 H&H that I found, brand new, in the local gunshop for a mere $699.00. It's a new Remington 700 SPS, with the inexpensive injection-molded stock, a dull black finish on all the metal and a real cushy recoil pad. Relatively lightweight too, maybe too light for a .375?

At any rate, I find myself sorely tempted. Have utterly no use for such a beast, an all-weather medium bore rifle with a nickname of ".375 Ouch & Ouch." The shop owner told me he'd put it on lay-away for six months too. Dang him anyway... I like Remington bolt guns. They're usually stone reliable and pretty accurate right out of the box, even the inexpensive versions like this. I've read that the new trigger system is pretty foolproof and far less likely to result in an inadvertent discharge than the older Rem 700 triggers. Never had a problem with any of my personal 700 triggers over the past 30+ years anyway.

If I "need" a rifle, it's a varmint rifle I need, not a .375... Still, this thing is tempting. Dang it! What I really need is a new set of tires for the truck before hunting season, not a new rifle... Grrr...

How much is a Ruger Hawkeye? That might be an even better rifle for the purpose of bashing big critters.

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You NEED a 375 H&H to fill the void in your battery of big game rifles.
The recoil is more of a shove than a kick and less than your 300 RUM. :wink:

You can shoot varmints with a 375.
You don't want to miss though.....You would be giving them a hole to crawl into. :grin:
Having problems deciding what gun to buy and when to buy it are great problems
Sounds as if you're looking for justification. Ummmm! Tires? Or .375 Hurt and Holler? Okay! No contest. Remington SPS wins again. It is a fine rifle. The new trigger system is excellent.
My vote is get it. I didn't need a 375RUM either, but when I saw one in the Rem 700 LSS model, I couldn't pass it up. Collection complete.

Look out ground squirrels a 300PT is coming at you. :shock:
I bought a 375 H&H for a hoped for Grizzley hunt.
I subsuquently discovered that with the 260 gr. AccuBond at about 2700 fps. It is the greatest elk round made. Less kick more "BANG FLOP" than the 300 RUM. I'm on my 3rd .375. H&H,WBY (same rifle) and 375 RUM 260 A/B 3100 fps. 5500 fpe.I finally had to put a muzzle brake on it. The recoil was ok it was the scope in the forehead whenever I shot uphill that clinched the deal. But 5 elk later I've never had to track one farther than 30 yds. As most everyone knows I'm Elmer Keith's biggest fan. At 5'5" he was shooting 570 NE's with no problem. It will not break your arm or dislocate your shoulder. Put a Pachmeyer Decelerater recoil pad on it and don't worry. If you don't let people psych you out about something they have probably never even shot you will be amazed how much you like it. It kicks about half as much a my 350 Marlin 1895.
You would be stimulating the econmy and your trigger finger all at the same time.
You will be taking pictures of your new gun on the wood pile, with range results and with it's first blood. You might even take a record book trophy with your rifle and share the memories with your grand children.
You probably won't be taking pictures of your tires every time you get out of your truck. :grin:
I grew up reading Capstick books and fell in love with the cartidge. I vowed that someday I would own one. About 6 years ago, I was in a large well known gunshop in Norhern Michigan and they had a brand new Winchester classic stainless/synthetic M70 in .375 H&H sitting there. Price was reduced because that isn't exactly a cartridge in demand here. Not a lot of elephants and buffalos hanging around. I brought it home, put a Zeiss Diavari 3-9x36 on it and hit the range. Didn't quite know what to expect, was shooting Hornady 270 gr. factory. Recoil was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. Got a set of dies and started playing around. Have shot great groups with 260 gr ballistic tips, 260 gr. AccuBond, and the 210 barnes x-bullet. I have killed several whitetails with the barnes 210 @ 3000 fps. I use 77 gr of reloader 15 and shoot them in the neck. Bang-flops all day long. Right now I am playing around with 285 gr speer african grand slams just in case we have a rash of hippo sightings in the upper great lakes area...
Well Guy, it sounds like you "need" a 375 H&H about as bad as I did when I bought one recently. I told myself it was for that trip to Africa some day, but with the economy and all it probably will not happen.

I bought a Remington 700 XCR, much the same rifle, just with a nitride coating on the metal. These guns are a little light for a 375 H&H, but the recoil is quite managable. The new trigger is so good I have not even bothered to adjust it.

Mine has not shot any of the Nosler .375 caliber offerings as well as I had hoped, but does shoot well with some other bullets. No problem to get one inch groups with 300 grain Hornady or Sierra boat tails. My favorite load so far shoots the 270 Barnes TSX over H 4895. I get 2760 fps and groups under an inch when I do my part.

Buy it if you can, they are fun guns.
old #7":33a8vktq said:
You would be stimulating the econmy and your trigger finger all at the same time.
You will be taking pictures of your new gun on the wood pile, with range results and with it's first blood. You might even take a record book trophy with your rifle and share the memories with your grand children.
You probably won't be taking pictures of your tires every time you get out of your truck. :grin:

Well, if your looking for a .375 H&H, I have a sweet Sako with sights and ported I am going to sell.
You can abosolutley can not go wrong with a 375 H&H. I shot one before I bought my 375 Ruger and loved it. The .375 H&H is one of those classic guns that a guy just NEEDS to have. Every time you hold it you'll be on a safari staring down a big buff or bull. If you never make it to africa it makes one hell of an elk gun with a good load of 260 AB. The BC on the 260 AB makes for a suprisingly flat shooting gun as well, I like to compare it to a 30-06 shooting a 180gr. as far as trajectory goes, and has alot more snort when it gets there.

Before I bought mine I was talking to my buddy that let me shoot his 375H&H and he told me that for a while he was pretty broke and that was the only gun he kept. For three years he hunted with just that rifle and shot everything from cyotes, and speed goats, to black bears and elk. When you get this rifle, you will be able to go anywear in the world and shoot anything you want. And by having it for several years and shooting it, hunting with it, and making it an extention of yourself before you really "need" it, it could safe your life in africa some day.

At least that is what I tell my wife :lol:
I have a friend that's needed new tires for over a year on his truck, but what he wanted was a paint job on his motorcycle. Man does that bike look good! :lol:
Guy, I needed a new fuel pump in my old Tahoe about 3 guns ago. just go get it. I also need new shocks and an oil pump as well. Wanna buy the tires ? cheap? :roll:
It's already too late. If you havn't said no by now the 375 is in your future and at long last. 3 months from now you won't even remember the decision only the joy of owning that rifle.
:grin: Greg
JDMAG":zw03m4oi said:
Guy, I needed a new fuel pump in my old Tahoe about 3 guns ago. just go get it. I also need new shocks and an oil pump as well. Wanna buy the tires ? cheap? :roll:

I love it.
you da man JDMAG :lol:
Sanity and common sense prevailed. The rifle stayed at the shop. Again. Sigh... :roll:

I don't need a .375 at all, but I do want to do more shooting this year, so a good chunk of that cash will go to bullets & primers & powder.

Ah well, it was a nice idea for a while. Again... Sigh...