700 ADL - 30-06

DrMike":3q8cwgtz said:

Those targets certainly make me want to ditch what I'm doing and work up some loads with my 30-06. Great shooting.


Here's the info for both:

Nosler brass trimmed to 2.48"
55.5gn of H414
COL of 3.39"

Win Brass 2.48
53.5gn of H4350
COL 3.39"

Th first time I tried Nosler brass, not 2nds, I didn't size it as they state it's "ready" to use. Well, it initially did really well with 165AB, but when I sized some, loaded them back up to sight in, the accuracy went out the window. I did notice there was more resistance while seating the bullet after I sized than when brand new. I pulled all of the 165s out tried a few loads with no luck, then jumped to the 180AB and you see the results. I worked up a load for the 180ET due being in the "Condor Zone" in CA.
I do appreciate the intel. I'll definitely be taking a look at these loads before fall transmutes into winter.
CatskillCrawler":3ks6plls said:
. I'm almost finished with the bullets I loaded up 8 years ago and I've promised myself to not load more but it will be difficult to tear down such a great shooter.

CatskillCrawler, I know what you mean about it being difficult to tear down such a great shooter, because what I have experienced is turning it into something else and never satisfied with what I turned it into because it did not shoot as well. Yes it is hard to do. :mrgreen:
It was a fine day of binge rifle shopping.... Not only did I snag the ADL, but a CZ 527 .204 Target/Varmint showed up and was ready for pickup.

I have to admit, I spent most of the last three days going back to the safe to fondle the ADL. For a 'cheap' rifle, man it shoulders nicely. I love the stock and almost am going to be sad to swap the stock and put on optics. It's just so light and handy as it sits...

It cleaned up really well. Hopefully I'll have some reload time this week and can wring it out next week.
So a few lessons learned for anyone else looking to do an ADL to BDL conversion...

Moving a 700ADL to a 700 BDL
- New B&C BDL style stock
- Need to change the follower spring (The ADL has a lip, the BDL does not appear to)
- The mag box for the ADL is too long to reuse. Has to be modified or replaced
- The front action screw is a bit picky... various length screws exist. i found I had to grab one off a spare SA 700 SPS stock takeoff to work right. (Too long and it blocks the bolt from closing.)
- The B&C BDL metalist has a higher cheek piece. It won't work for irons very well, but should be well suited to scope use.
A little more follow up...

With my wife home for only a few days before she had to fly out, I didn't have enough time to get any loads worked up. But, I did manage to take it to the range to find out if the factory barrel is going to work..

- I left the B&C stock setup for a bit of barrel pressure at the end of the stock. I figured I could shoot it, see how it did, and if necessary, free float it.

- Using some cheap, Federal 180g soft points, it shot 2" at 100. Certainly not at the level of customs, but not bad for what is probably a 15 year old discount gun.

- The stock trigger is a bit heavy, I think I can drop my group size with some tuned hand loads and a replacement trigger enough that I'll leave the factory barrel on.

- For a scope, keeping with a light/handy mountain rifle, I went with the Leupold VX-2 2-7 in lightweight tally rings.
#1 - The rings are great, thanks guys for turning me onto them. I could see swapping out my other 700s with them as well.
#2 - The 2-7x VX-2 is a very nice piece of glass.. I love how lightweight it is and how clean the rifle looks with a minimalist scope on it.

Pics will have to go up once she comes back from getting pretty...
Sounds like an awesome rifle. Probably wouldn't take much to hone the trigger and develop some loads to have it ready for elk!
DrMike":5w922q0a said:

Those targets certainly make me want to ditch what I'm doing and work up some loads with my 30-06. Great shooting.

No doubt man! Great shooting there.
So because I'm a degenerate rifle tinker, I thought I'd check in on maybe putting a new barrel on this... just because it's too pretty not to have a hot barrel...

That said, man, everyone seems to be either out of stock of short chambered 700 barrels or I'm just weak on the google skills. Seems like a 6 month wait just about anywhere...
Guy Miner":3v6bl4e5 said:
It can take a while to come up with a custom barrel. Try Bruno Shooter Supply - generally at least a few barrels on hand there:

http://www.brunoshooters.com/Merchant2/ ... e_Code=BSS


Thanks for the link. :) I usually stop by a few times a month and check out their stock. They do the machine work and will true the receiver and mate the new barrel as well. (There shop is just down the street from where I live.)

The only thing that gives me pause is how they act in that shop. The old man and his kid are constantly yelling at each other. The place is like a kindergarten where two kids are both fighting over the same set of toys.. When I've come in and they are both there, I don't know if I have ever not seen them just carping and bitching at each other.

And here's the goofy as hell part. I've always had exceptional service. They are always helpful and courteous to the customer. (Although I wish they would price mark the shelves or what they sell.. its sort of annoying always having to have them lookup prices for you.)
24 hour campfire has a few barrel blanks in their classifies right now. Just an FYI
Wow... just wow.

The trigger on this rifle was stiff, but broke cleanly. I'd shot some decent groups with it, but hadn't run the trigger pull gauge on it until last night.

9 3/4 freaking pounds!

Evidently I won the rifle lottery, made in the age when lawyers designed triggers.
AzDak42":nauhibse said:
Wow... just wow.

The trigger on this rifle was stiff, but broke cleanly. I'd shot some decent groups with it, but hadn't run the trigger pull gauge on it until last night.

9 3/4 freaking pounds!

Evidently I won the rifle lottery, made in the age when lawyers designed triggers.

Yeah, that is worse than most of my shotguns! Darn, that will reduce groups alot just getting the trigger cleaned up.