7mag range trip, finally


Oct 11, 2006
I finally got the time to got to the range and try out some loads in my 7mag. The rifle is a Savage 110 with a new Redfield scope on it.

First I worked up a 160 AB with RL22 and got decent velocity I guess, I worked up to 66 grains with no signs and got an average velocity of 2988 and a shot group of .876":

I am fairly happy with it and will play with it some more.

Second for that rifle is tha 150 grain E-Tip. Starting at 64.0 grains of IMR 7828SC with Fed Match215M primers I got a average velocity of 2980, which actually kind of surprised me. Then on the next loading it got scarry I guess. at 65.0 grains I got an average velocity of 3082 and looking at the brass I could see a nice shinny spot on the base from the ejector:

I opted to stop there since I can not afford to replace this rifle right now. What I don't get is it was .050 away from the lands and it developed high pressure that quick. I was really diappointed in this, I was hoping to at least get to the midway point. If i increased the distance from the lands to .100 would that reduce pressure or increase it?

I also played with my Tikka T3 stainless in 30-06 with 168 VLD Bergers. Not very impressed with the velocity of this round, but then again it is probably my rifle it has so far proven to be a slow barrel. Accurance was not that great but I need to load more and look for the accuracy band Berger talks about.

Anyway sorry about the long post. If anyone has any ideas on the E-Tips I am open to them.

The E-Tip pressures can rise quickly as you saw!
I would stay at 64.0 grs and try seating deeper. .100" off the lands seems to work for a lot of fellas.

The 160 gr AB load looks pretty good. Again, work with the COL and I think you will find utopia.


You are on the right track. Seating depths will allow you to fine tune the load. You have a load that can drop and elk or a deer now. The 160 AB looks pretty good.
I'm currently .020 off the lands with the 160 AB which direction do you think I should go? I'm assuming further away.


If your magazine permits, move toward the lands. JD has given some good advice.
I'd take that 160 AB/RL-22 load and go hunting.

Elk, deer, whatever... That one will work just fine! :grin:
That load will be my main one, I think I'm going to play with the OAL though just see what can be done.

One thing to note with bullets like the solid construction e-tip and barns bullets you can't use as much powder with them as you do with a cup and core bullet. I don't know what Nosler suggest for powder charge with the 150 e-tip but the sierra manual gives a max load of IMR 7828 with their 150 cup and core bullet as 64.5 grs. Hornady gives 65.6 IMR 7828 with their 154 gr cup and core bullet as max. Back when I was fooling around with a 7mm Rem mag I always got super accuracy (bug holes) and very good velocity with AA-3100 powder.
YOU'RE GETTING MY BIGGEST ENEMY. The dreaded 2 and one! Try seating depth change as stated or primer change. Is gun fully freefloated?
Well I'm glad the two touching and the one off is not just me. Niven had the issue all the time. You guys don't help with the great bug hole targets you post, LOL.

I plan on working up some more loads this week and hope to get back out this weekend, hopfully work is slow this weekend and I can get out on time