I see several reviews online on the .224" Varmint Nightmare bullet sold in bulk from Midsouth.
As always, some are good, some are "ok" .some are not so good.
Specifically, other than personal experiences with them good or bad, if someone would tell me the bullet length of the 55 grain Varmint Nightmare (in the current boat tail version) I would appreciate it.
Yeah, I know......picky ol' fart, huh? Still, it is of interest to me.
Thanks in advance.
God Bless
As always, some are good, some are "ok" .some are not so good.
Specifically, other than personal experiences with them good or bad, if someone would tell me the bullet length of the 55 grain Varmint Nightmare (in the current boat tail version) I would appreciate it.
Yeah, I know......picky ol' fart, huh? Still, it is of interest to me.
Thanks in advance.
God Bless