Accurate powders in 7 mag?


May 16, 2016
Question for the group: My son reloads for his 7 mag. His main powder is RL22, but the Alliant powders seem to be unobtainium these days, and I was told by one place that they are shipping very little, if any, to the consumer market. He has worked up a couple loads with some of the IMR powders, and that's fine. However, the Accurate powders seem to be more readily available, at least around here. Looking at the load data, it appears that Accurate 4350 and Magpro are suitable. Anyone have good luck with either of those? FWIW, he's loading bullets in the 140-160gr range, and maybe up to 175gr.

Thanks in advance,
My limited experience with the 7 RM has been with 140 and 160 gr bullets and RL22. If I were to go with a different powder, I'd look at Magpro, IMR 4831 and IMR 4350 in that order.

Magnum, and Magpro are excellent in the 7mm Rem Mag. LRT works very well with 175-180 grain bullets in my rifles. Impressive velocities, but it’s pretty slow for anything under 160 grains. I’m also going to try Staball HD this spring. I got quite a bit of it over the holidays with a sale and no hazmat. It looks promising from load data. IMR and Hodgdon have now went nuts with their prices, of which IMR4831 I absolutely love.
Edit: Ramshot and Accurate are next to have a price hike in my opinion.
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I could never get 4350 or 4831 to consistently work. H1000 and 7828ssc worked very well with 160's and 175's in both my Tikka and 700. If I couldn't get Alliant powders, I would certainly feel good switching my set up over to 7828ssc.

I could never get 4350 or 4831 to consistently work. H1000 and 7828ssc worked very well with 160's and 175's in both my Tikka and 700. If I couldn't get Alliant powders, I would certainly feel good switching my set up over to 7828ssc.

I’m embarrassed to say I skipped right over 7828. Good call. It’s one I always have on hand as well.
I think the slower powders are the best all around choice in the 7mag.I like Reloader 22 and 26 in this cartridge with all bullet weights.With lighterweight bullets the 4350 powders work well with outstanding velocities.I've used A4350 with bullets up to 150gr,but moving up to 160's,you have to back off a bit with a big difference in velocity for the 10 grain difference in bullet weight.These two loads where max. in my 7mag.I would back off at least 1.5 grains if you try them.

I had good groups with IMR4831 using 140 and 150gr bullets. Not as fast as other powders but accurate and lethal. Dan.
I guess I should have specified, "Accurate brand powders" in the 7 mag. I'm well aware of the various Hodgdon and IMR options. I'm asking about folks' experience with the Accurate brand powders specifically.
I had excellent success with MagPro and Hornady 154 gr. SP. Hornady 162 gr. SP, and Hornady 162 gr. SST. It is the sole Accurate powder I ever tried in that cartridge. The same powder delivered excellent accuracy and velocity with Nosler 160 grain AB in my 7 WSM, however.
I had excellent success with MagPro and Hornady 154 gr. SP. Hornady 162 gr. SP, and Hornady 162 gr. SST. It is the sole Accurate powder I ever tried in that cartridge. The same powder delivered excellent accuracy and velocity with Nosler 160 grain AB in my 7 WSM, however.
Man, Magpro was one of the first ones I tried in my 270 WSM and man did it fly with 130 Interbonds. 3300+ and it was accurate. I recently scored an 8lb'er of the stuff from a fella getting out of loading and plan to revisit it on I remember how well you did with it as well and my old experiences.
Brian I am currently starting to work up a load using Magpro and the 7 Rem Mag myself. My reasoning is basically the same as yours, Magpro availability.
Good deal, Brad. Keep me posted on your results, please. Thx. What bullets are you using?
I have plenty of 160gr Speer BTSP and 162gr ELD-X bullets that I am going to use. Going to try some initial loads with both and see which one looks better in the accuracy department and go from there.
Please keep us up to date, Magpro is available up here too and I bought some for the 6.8 Western. I do occasionally load for a 7 mm RM as well so this is of interest.