A lot depends on who you Book with. There are many ( one notorious one I won't name) carries a 600 Nitro double and sells videos of him "shooting the clients animals"...whether the client wants him to or not! He will purposely provoke a "charge" and floor the critter with that 600 Nitro ( like a handful of shot on a bullfrog) and then quietly, very dramatically in a close up explain to the video audience "just why" these animals ( Lion, Buff, Hippo, etc) are soooo dangerous and how lucky it was that HE was able to save the day! So, if you book with him, all you need , for your own memories, is a nice 'customized" bolt gun in any good deer rifle caliber for the Kudu and such. Another matching bolt gun in 9.3x62 with 286 Noslers or similar. The lighter rifle will be fun to use on foot and the 9.3 is a good self defense weapon if you happen to walk up on a mean critter. You won't have to worry about "killing" the game, Super bwana will do that for you! Ha
If you Book with a real Outfitter/Hunter, a 9.3x62 will work swell for the antelope/zebra and a 458 Winmag with good loads will do just fine on the bigger stuff and not beat you up bad. If you like, a good 416 Mag is awesome, though I find them a bit "brisk" in recoil. Myself, I would want a custom .404 jeffry ....recoils like a .375, hits like a 458! have a ball!
If you Book with a real Outfitter/Hunter, a 9.3x62 will work swell for the antelope/zebra and a 458 Winmag with good loads will do just fine on the bigger stuff and not beat you up bad. If you like, a good 416 Mag is awesome, though I find them a bit "brisk" in recoil. Myself, I would want a custom .404 jeffry ....recoils like a .375, hits like a 458! have a ball!