Alberta draws are in!!!!


Jun 27, 2009
Well all the anticipation was worth while, I've been drawn for moose and a muley buck.. Now huntin season can't come fast enough, the thought of moose tenderloins and a big rack have me dreamin' . I'll be rarin to go, now that I know what wmu's I'm drawn in scoutin will start ASAP. I hope others are as lucky ?
Great territory for moose. How is the muley population in the Parklands?
Muley's are still pretty good shape, but the DNR is really trying to thin them out because of CWD. They are selling doe tags over the counter instead of adraw this year. It shouldn,t be to much of astretch to get a180 gross buck in most wmu's.
First time since the draws started (15 years ago or so) for moose that my friend and I were not drawn :cry: ...knew it was comin sometime. But we thought at least a couple others in or camp would be drawn. 2 tags so far with one guy unreschable to let us know. So at least Moose Camp is on. I know of some groups that will not be out Moose hunting at all.

I didnt get my mulie in the Peace Country but as my bro-in-law said, there is my need to go and buy a new bow and hunt mulies with a General Tag in Archery season. :grin: If not, maybe I'll apply for LandOwner's permit for mulie. I 999'd my cow elk. For next years draw I'm a Priority 9 for Trophy Sheep. Better get in shape for next season :wink:

I have yet to check my wife's draws...she should get her cow elk and maybe her mulie buck. I guess she maybe putting the Meat in the Freezer again this season as it was 2 & 3 years ago.

I think something is up with the moose in the northern zones. If SRD cut back tags, then I think we as hunters should of been notified of this prior to entering the draws. Like I said, I know of over 50 people that didnt get drawn for moose. So 2 tags out of 52 is pretty low. Especially when in previous years there was over 400 tags left undersubscribed in late season alone. Looks like a cash grab to me then for those years.

I'll stop my little vent. At least our group will still be out for Moose CCamp this season. Good Luck / Safe Hunting to all this Huinting Season