Alberta moose hunt


Nov 11, 2011
I will be going on a Alberta moose hunt in the fall of 2016.
My primary rifle will be a Rem 721 in 300 H&H with a model 700 in 30-06 as a back up.
I am currently shooting 180 grin AB's or Partitions in both rifles. I am wondering if I should try some 200 or 220 in the super 30 or just stay with the 180's.

CamoHunter":3onkskgx said:
I will be going on a Alberta moose hunt in the fall of 2016.
My primary rifle will be a Rem 721 in 300 H&H with a model 700 in 30-06 as a back up.
I am currently shooting 180 grin AB's or Partitions in both rifles. I am wondering if I should try some 200 or 220 in the super 30 or just stay with the 180's.


First off, welcome aboard this great forum (y) ..You'll be fine with the 180's in both calibers, Moose are not hard to kill with proper shot placement, I'd go with the bullet that shoots best in your rifle/rifles.

Welcome, any of those bullets will do the job nicely on a moose. There is no reason not to se the 180's unless you just want to try something different.
As already stated you will be fine with the 180's. However, the 200's work best for me, in my 300 H & H, but i use 180's in the 30-06
I can only echo what you've already been told. One hundred eighty grain Partitions will stand you in good stead with moose (or about any other game you may encounter). Welcome aboard. When is your hunt scheduled? What outfitter are you using? Or are you being hosted by someone in Alberta?
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I have been visiting this forum for a few years but have not posted before.
My hunt is scheduled for the first part of October 2016 and is with Moose Creek Outfitters.
I appreciate everyone's input on the bullet weights and any advice that you want to pass along.


Welcome to the forum.
The 300 H&H loaded with the 180 gr PT would be a Classic as this is where Nosler started.
Of course the 200 gr PT would be more of a good thing.


I agree that combo is a Nosler classic.
It will be fun trying to 200's too just for fun.

JD338":3p60j5rx said:

Welcome to the forum.
The 300 H&H loaded with the 180 gr PT would be a Classic as this is where Nosler started.
Of course the 200 gr PT would be more of a good thing.

camohunter, if your shots will be under 200 yards and I am sure they will, the 200 gr or even the 220gr out of the 300 H/H are real hammers. you will not find one in the animal. The 180 will work just fine however, but like Cheyenne we use the 200 and sometimes even the 220 in the 300 H/H, but we do use the 180 in the 30-06.

Are you hunting only moose on this trip or are you also looking at an add on, if the moose hunt goes well and ends early ?
I have not spoken to the outfitter yet and that is one of my questions. My wife got me this hunt as a gift and I just unwrapped it last Saturday. I do know that he does combo hunts but they might have to be prearranged. I know that a wolf tag is an option though.
I will run some 200 & 220 partitions through the H&H to see how they do.

CamoHunter":qhh7kva8 said:
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I have been visiting this forum for a few years but have not posted before.
My hunt is scheduled for the first part of October 2016 and is with Moose Creek Outfitters.
I appreciate everyone's input on the bullet weights and any advice that you want to pass along.


The rut should be in full swing in early October still which is great, you may be able to have them come to the call which is quite exciting.

If you are looking at the 200 and 220 gr Partition's they both have worked very well for my hunting buddy and myself on all sort's of different sized game
I load 200gr. Partitions for my Remington 721 300 H&H. Last animal I used it on was a mule deer buck at 150yds. Worked really well.
Welcome aboard (y) I am sure that you will enjoy this forum lots of friendly people and best knowledge anywhere on the net. You should hit rut just about right and with a 300 H&H the 180 Nosler Partition will be more than sufficient. But I would not be afraid to use the 180 AccuBond either as both bullets are top shelf.
I have done a fair amount of Moose hunting in my 45 years in the field and have found the Moose easiest of all big game animals to anchor.
That 300 H&H is a great old calibre and has stood the test of time.


Welcome and I wish you well on your hunt. I'll be heading to Newfoundland for moose in September. I hope we both return with full freezers but most of all with memories of a lifetime.

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Thanks to everyone for the tips and well wishes. I have shot both partitions & AB's in 180 grains in my 300 H&H. I think I have a bag of PT in 200 grain that will get loaded and tested.

I am sure the time will fly by and my hunt will be here before I know it. It will be an adventure!

Welcome aboard Camohunter. I think your pretty well set with the 300 and 180's, but like Kim mentioned, the 200's are just a little more of a good thing.
Camohunter, I can not speak to the 180 PT and AB as I have not used them. I can tell you that the 200gr A-Frame and Oryz , work well in the 300 H & H, as does the 220 Woodleigh.

enjoy your hunt sir

Best Regards

CamoHunter":297jiwyr said:
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I have been visiting this forum for a few years but have not posted before.
My hunt is scheduled for the first part of October 2016 and is with Moose Creek Outfitters.
I appreciate everyone's input on the bullet weights and any advice that you want to pass along.


I'm certainly not trying to rain on your parade , but I think you should be contacting your outfitter.
As far as I can determine sept until Oct 30 is archery only .
There are a half a dozen or so zones in the far Northern party of the province that do open earlier for rifle , and maybe that's where the outfitters allocations are. That being said if I were you I would make darn sure . Otherwise good luck on the hunt and hope you enjoy our beautiful province.
Oh hunting for moose in October,, buy a Thermocell you will thank me.

Ok edit time , I stand corrected there are zones in the 300's along the foothills that do open for rifle in October , again the outfitter likley has allocations in one of these zones.
Good luck and sorry for the mis understanding .
No worries, I appreciate your input. I plan on contacting the outfitter early next week.
He hunts northwest of Edmonton. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
I need all of the help that I can get and I am excited for the adventure.
