Any Cooper rifle fans here?


Feb 17, 2025
I love my Cooper rifles! I'm fortunate to have gorgeous Model 52s in both 264 Win Mag and (my favorite rifle) 300 H&H. I've been thinking about adding another to my collection, but the new ownership there seems to have initiated quite the price hike. Rifles that retailed for around $3000 just a few years ago are up to $4500. I hope Cooper of Arkansas doesn't price itself out of business...
It was disappointing when Cooper Firearms of Montana was sold and moved to Arkansas. There used to be about a 12 month backorder, but at least you could put together a custom request and it would eventually be produced and shipped.
Three years and rifles are now trickling out, at a premium from where they were. I have two Excalibur models; one in 6.5X284 and a 1-9 twist 22-250. Based on current prices, I will never buy another one. I know where there is a single shot 25-06 with a beautiful wood stock for a reasonable price, so that would be the only way. Sweet shooting rifles, but that those prices, it's a hard pill to swallow.
I have lusted after a Cooper rifle in the past. Some of their left hand custom classics with New Zealand wood are very attractive! And the test targets showed that they can be extremely accurate...(but those target were shot at a close distance so not what I would have preferred to see for a 100 yard group that would be a better representation of the rifle's accuracy). These versions weren't cheap before...hate to see what they are worth now.

I had even called and emailed them trying to see what it would cost to get a LH 3 rifle (25-06, 280 and 338-06) set back in their early years...never did get a response after several attempts so gave up due to the poor customer service. (Ended up building a custom 338-06, a semi-custom 280 and a semi custom 250 AI. Still would like a LH 25-06...)

The only thing that kept me from pulling the trigger (so to speak) on acquiring one from a dealer in NE AB, was the fact that I never got to shoulder one or try the action and trigger.
When they were here in Montana I went down and had a gentlemen show me around the business and the steps the rifles went through. It was very interesting and educational to actually see what goes into making a Cooper rifle. I also got to drool over a few models and it sure seems like they put together a nice rifle, or at least they did. I wasn't aware that they moved out of state. That's sad but at least they are still building rifles.
I've handled a few but never shot any. I have 2 rifles that have Cooper stocks on them and really like them.
They used to have a shooting competition every spring when they were in Montana, one shot challenge,(or something like that) that really intriguedme when I was younger. Dont remember the full rules but i believe there was a bullseye on a local artist painting, you had a single shot, and the closest to the bullseye won the painting for that heat, had some other prizes too. Just really sounded like a fun time, kicker was you had to own a Cooper to participate.
Okay this explains it better
I've got a Cooper model 22 in 6.5-284 Norma. It is fun to shoot but I have never taken it hunting. Mostly it gets taken to a friends property where we can shoot 600, 800, and 1000 yards. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't get used as often as it should.
I have some nice Brownings, Winchesters, and Remingtons. My Coopers are simply on a different level in terms of fit and finish, trigger pull, and accuracy. It can hard (not impossible - LOL) to justify the new prices I'm seeing from a purely rational perspective. But who ever said that buying a new rifle had to be a purely rational matter.
At the end of the day, custom rifles aren't when you can find a factory or special production rifle that checks all the boxes on your wishlist, it can be a better buy.

I have found this in a couple of instances, such as with the LH Sako Model 85 Hunter in 9.3x62 and the LH Fierce Carbon Rogue in 7MM PRC rifles that I have purchased. These rifles have met all of my expectations.
Heck even some of the LH Remingtons and Brownings I own, or have owned, have met my expectations (the Browning X Bolt All Weather in 270 WSM and Rem 700 LSS)
At the end of the day, custom rifles aren't when you can find a factory or special production rifle that checks all the boxes on your wishlist, it can be a better buy.

I have found this in a couple of instances, such as with the LH Sako Model 85 Hunter in 9.3x62 and the LH Fierce Carbon Rogue in 7MM PRC rifles that I have purchased. These rifles have met all of my expectations.
Heck even some of the LH Remingtons and Brownings I own, or have owned, have met my expectations (the Browning X Bolt All Weather in 270 WSM and Rem 700 LSS)
Agreed. My favorite whitetail deer rifle is a Rem 700 LSS in 7MM SAUM. It's everything I want for the type of hunting I do with it.
BTW, I just joined the .338 club (a formerly missing caliber for me) with a new Cooper Excalibur - a worthy candidate for my upcoming elk hunt. I (kind of) had to talk myself into it, given the price escalation I mentioned above...
Agreed. My favorite whitetail deer rifle is a Rem 700 LSS in 7MM SAUM. It's everything I want for the type of hunting I do with it.
BTW, I just joined the .338 club (a formerly missing caliber for me) with a new Cooper Excalibur - a worthy candidate for my upcoming elk hunt. I (kind of) had to talk myself into it, given the price escalation I mentioned above...
And which 338 did you end up with? -06? Win Mag?
Thanks! 33 Nosler. As you might infer from my previous posts, I'm a fan of some out-of-the-mainstream calibers. Much to my chagrin sometimes.
I hear you!
Being a lefty that likes the not so common cartridges, I am often forced to customize rifles or go full custom, to get what I am looking for!