Archery Moose


May 26, 2012
Thinking about going for archery moose this August.

I live in an archery only area and it gives me the opportunity to get out before the moose are being pressured. Maybe I should get my bow out and start practicing. If nothing else it will give me more time outside and more chances to put a moose in the freezer.

Thinking about going for archery moose this August.

I live in an archery only area and it gives me the opportunity to get out before the moose are being pressured. Maybe I should get my bow out and start practicing. If nothing else it will give me more time outside and more chances to put a moose in the freezer.

Go for it.
Can you use a xbow in AK?
Just upgraded Sue's Xbow yesterday, early birthday present.
The Raven is a good one. Shoots a 400 gr bolt at 400 fps. Excellent trigger and rifle like accuracy.



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Can you use a xbow in AK?
Just upgraded Sue's Xbow yesterday, early birthday present.
The Raven is a good one. Shoots a 400 gr bolt at 400 fps. Excellent trigger and rifle like accuracy.

I’m stuck using a compound bow.
I think I can use one during the general season but since I can use a rifle in the general season that’s what I’d use instead of a crossbow.

I’m stuck using a compound bow.
I think I can use one during the general season but since I can use a rifle in the general season that’s what I’d use instead of a crossbow.

Vince, according to my cousin in Wasilla make sure you bring a gallon of Mosquito repellent with you.
Vince, according to my cousin in Wasilla make sure you bring a gallon of Mosquito repellent with you.
Or a couple of ThermoCells!
I don't go into the bush without these anymore!
(Although, I haven't seen how they do on the blackflies as yet...perhaps you can give us a report!)

Taking moose with a bow is fun!
And with calling them in close, you might want to try with a recurve!
Good point Gil. We have 3 thermacells, they are extremely effective.

Can you use a xbow in AK?
Just upgraded Sue's Xbow yesterday, early birthday present.
The Raven is a good one. Shoots a 400 gr bolt at 400 fps. Excellent trigger and rifle like accuracy.

Lucky birthday girl👍
Most places locally you will need a permit to hunt in archery only areas. If you can draw a ft rich archery permit there are some good opportunities, otherwise I recommend you look to the non motorized vehicle areas. You will find less pressure in those areas.