Automatic powder measure/dispenser

I have had an RCBS Chargemaster for a couple of years. The automatic balance of it went on the fritz recently, and I sent it back to RCBS for replacement last week. I'm hoping it arrives in time to do some loads for Dad before we leave on a black bear hunt in 2 weeks.

In the meantime I am using my GemPro 250. Great scale, except that as it gets older (year or year and a half) it drifts more when there is weight on it. Once the RCBS is back this one is also going back for replacement. Right now I am weighing each charge 3 times to be sure that they are correct. Oh how I wish the RCBS was working...
Thanks all for the comments, Looks like I should look at the RCBS or Pact. The Pact price range sounds pretty good, they also have a pretty good warranty. And I know RCBS backs there products very well, not sure about the Chargemaster though. They seem like the would make reloading much easier.
I also use the RCBS and it is on a seperate bench, so I seat bullets while it is charging the pan. Works for me.
tddeangelo":rmgdu2zr said:
For those reasons, my ChargeMaster 1500 is on a separate bench from my Rockchucker. I have the ChargeMaster producing a charge while I'm seating a bullet with no disruption to the scale. I don't charge a tray full of rounds and then seat...I charge each case and immediately seat after pouring the powder. Just my way of doing stuff. While I'm seating a bullet, the ChargeMaster produces a new charge. I generally don't wait more than 10 seconds, if that, and it's done (once I've seated the bullet, checked OAL, and put the new round in an ammo container). Then I seat the next one.

Two pieces of gear have made my reloading go so much more quickly... my ChargeMaster and my Hornady Case Prep Center. Between the two of them, I can now do in an hour what used to take three.

This is exactly the way I load also. The CM1500 drops a charge, I transfer to my beam scale, fill case, and seat bullet while the CM1500 is dropping the next charge. Mine doesn't get as much use as others since I only use it to load .300wm, 7mmRM, and .300RUM. I only load 300 - 400 rounds per year max. The rest of my reloads are done on a Dillon RL550, and use a beam scale, and RCBS 750 digital scale to verify powder drops every 100 rnds.