Bedding my 25-06 with with up pressure

It is currently drying at work Mike. Should be able to pull all the tape and stuff off once I get to work in the AM. After I get it all cleaned up I will put it back together and let it dry for 3 days at least, per Acra Gel instructions. I imagine it is going to be tight, but man, I hope it straightens up and is a shooter. I am really pulling for this rifle. Wanna use it to kill some coyotes this winter! Scotty
Well I guess it worked.

Several loads with 110 accubonds from 3150 -3250 fps under 3/4" consistently.
Fotis, what is your load with the 110's? Sounds pretty good. I am going to load some more 115's to try out with Retumbo. The way everyone raves about that combo seems to good for me to not try again. Scotty

That is great. I have one rifle that I had to pressure bed on the fore-end, and it did wonders for the rifle.
Another load that worked for me. Close to max but not max in my rifle.
Bullet Nosler AccuBond
Bullet Weight 110 grs
Powder RL22
Powder Weight 53.5 grs
Primer WLR
Brass Make Winchester
Barrel Length 28 (inches)
C.O.L 3.25 (inches)
Velocity 3122 fps
Group 100 yds .652 (inches)
Submitted By Elkeater2
Gun Info Encore Prohunter
very low SD and ES
beretzs":figrk3uv said:
Fotis, what is your load with the 110's? Sounds pretty good. I am going to load some more 115's to try out with Retumbo. The way everyone raves about that combo seems to good for me to not try again. Scotty

Two loads so far. 110 AB....

57.7 gr RL 25 3140 fps and 0.7" at 100
and 59 gr Retumbo 3240 fps and ,65"/100
Mag or standard primers? Going to load in the AM and shoot in the afternoon. Wanna see if this rifle will do what's its supposed too!
Best of luck to you, Scotty. We're all pulling for you to hold a winner tomorrow.
Darn it, I just loaded a bunch with CCI BR2's!!!!!! Son of a gun. Oh well, I will be able to have another try at it next time. Cleaning the rifle rifle now and getting it ready for a range session this afternoon. Scotty
I think your CCI BR primers will do fine - I've had my best results from those, or Federal 210 match primers. Even with Retumbo.
They seemed to do okay. I will try out some Federals after I have messed with the seating depths a little. Scotty