Best affordable scope


Jun 2, 2011
My Dad gifted me his Ruger single shot 22-250 recently. It has an old scope on it. I’m looking to upgrade for higher variable magnification and clarity.

What scopes out there in the $400 or less price range should I consider?

Thanks for any and all suggestions!
My Dad gifted me his Ruger single shot 22-250 recently. It has an old scope on it. I’m looking to upgrade for higher variable magnification and clarity.

What scopes out there in the $400 or less price range should I consider?

Thanks for any and all suggestions!
Low light big game hunting?
My Dad gifted me his Ruger single shot 22-250 recently. It has an old scope on it. I’m looking to upgrade for higher variable magnification and clarity.

What scopes out there in the $400 or less price range should I consider?

Thanks for any and all suggestions!
The new Burris Fullfield is going to be made in the Philippines and should be awesome. Lots of different options that should come in at under $400. The older Burris FF II scopes were made in the Philippines and were a top choice and these new ones are going to be made in the same factory.. The recent FF IV scopes were made in China and not quite the same.
Great questions. Yeah mostly target but definitely would use it on occasion for coyotes or even antelope.
The Sightron S-Tac series of scopes are great for the cost.
The reticle is a little too fine for hunting big game in low light in my opinion, but I have done it.
Shouldn't be a problem for antelope
Great for target and varmints.
Thinking the FFP model may be a heavier reticle on max power, but I do not have one of those yet.
Midway has the Vortex 4x16x42 Diamondback on sale. My son has a couple and was pleased with them so I bought one. Tried it out on my 7mm08 yesterday and was well satisfied. Clear, tracked well, parallax adjustment was good and the holdover dots corresponded with the load I was using from 200-385 yds. Think it a good value for the price. I don't get any commission from Midway:LOL:.