best bullet for 7-06ai


Jun 22, 2016
New rifle have been working on loads will be used mainly for deer and maybe elk sometime. So far the 140bt has been best @ .5 MOA out to 300 yds.Running @ 3005fps with real good es. Will the 140bt work well enough for deer or should I be trying Accubonds, AccuBond lr, or Partitions. Thanks for any replies.
John - I've been happily using the little 115 gr Nosler Ballistic tip at 3120 fps from my .25-06, on mule deer for years now. No problems!

My son has been using the 95 grain Nosler Ballistic tip at about 3,000 fps from his 6mm Rem, on mule deer & whitetail. No problems.

Typically we get pass-throughs, only occasionally does a bullet stay in the animal. Excellent expansion.

Also, I saw great results from my friends Stephen & Storm, when they used 120 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips, from their .280 & 7mm-08 rifles. One shot kills on mule deer & pronghorn antelope.

I think you'll do fine with the 140 Ballistic Tip at about 3,000 fps.

Welcome to the forum!

Regards, Guy
That is an interesting cartridge, John. I would be very confident with the BT at the velocities you generate. I've taken scores of whitetail and mule deer with a .280. My bullet of choice for many years was a Hornady 139 grain Interlock. Never had a deer walk away from being shot with that bullet. In more recent years I've gravitated to a 140 grain Partition, primarily because I hunt in territory with grizzlies and occasionally use my .280 for elk. I wouldn't hesitate to use a good cup-and-core bullet such as the Ballistic Tip for deer.
The 140 gr BT is all the bullet you need for deer sized game.
If you are going to hunt elk, I would suggest using either an AccuBond or Partition.
