I use a ChargeMaster as a primary scale, then I finish it off on a FX-120. My ChargeMaster isn't so consistent as well, I have noticed that its more consistent with some powders than others. It would be off by .2 to .4 at times and rarely I would be almost a grain over when some clumps of long kernels drops on the pan. Some folks use an insert in the dispensing tube to help consistency issues. I have never tried that since I use a FX120 to finalize it.
I have a RCBS Chargemaster Lite what has been excellent for me. I also have an Ohas 1010 beam scale and RCBS Flowmaster that has served me well since 1974.
I use a Chargemaster 1500 to drop a charge within one or two grains of my desired weight. I then trickle the last one or two grains with a Dandy Trickler to the desired weight (with the pan still on the Chargemaster).
I used a Pacific for many years, then got a couple of RCBS Uniflows, one set up with the large hole in the drum, the other with the small hole. Since then was given a third Uniflow which is permanenty set up to load .357 Mag. with 2400.
I also have the RCBS Chargemaster 1500 which I've had for at least the last ten years, give or take, and is still going strong. I've since picked up a Chargemaster Lite as a back up and it's tested out to be quite accurate. The CM 1500 even after all this time it still accurate within advertised standards. Plus or minus 1/10 grain)
Paul B.