
I will be making a trip to Cabelas soon to seriously consider my options. I like the idea of a rangefinder built in never used one but I can see where it could be a blessing. I will be getting 10 powers as I'm in wide open area and need the extra help.
nvbroncrider":237nnxvy said:
I will be making a trip to Cabelas soon to seriously consider my options. I like the idea of a rangefinder built in never used one but I can see where it could be a blessing. I will be getting 10 powers as I'm in wide open area and need the extra help.

If you want a built in rangefinder the new one from Leica is very nice. I checked it out at the SHOT show and was very impressed. However, you are always holding the extra weight whenever using the binoculars.
I bought a pair of very good binos finally. I got the Zeiss 8X42 HD and I must say they are everything I wanted. They went deer/bear hunting with me last year and to Africa this year. They were well worth the money and not as pricey as some others.
I think you may want to look at the new generation geovid leica has released. From what i have heard from two different guides here in montan that have recently had a chance to use them, leica hit this one out of the park on two counts. 1 the glass is better and the ranging capabilities are far better. I have a set of first gen geovids and love them, but i think they may be going down the road for the new ones. On a side note they also said getting a pair is difficult do to the fact that a company that makes a part for the geovids in germany had burned to the ground.
All that I have spoken to concerning the Gen 2 Geovids are more than complementary. These appear to be the finest you can buy. I have a Gen 1 Geovid; like Jeff, this range finder may disappear to make room for a Gen 2 version.
I own an older set of Bushnell Legends, but in 10x42. They're excellent binos for the money, and well below your target pricepoint of $350. If you can spend the $350 without worrying, there are a number of great choices.

A buddy of mine swears by his Steiners. You can get the 8x42 Predator Extreme for under $350 (or even a demo pair for under $300).

You can get a Meopta MeoPro demo set of 8x42 for $299.

Minox German made BL series 8x42 for $280.

Minox BV II series 8x42 for $289.

And possibly the new Zeiss Terra series (though I've not had any chance to view these) for $350.

Reality is, there are tons of other makes/models in that price range that are good binos. None of them are $1000 binos, but they will all let you glass for long periods of time without getting eyestrain and headaches, if they're adjusted for your eyes. That's the real kicker - you need to look through a bunch of glass to find the ones that match your eyes best. It's like buying boots - it's all about fit. The good news is, there are some excellent models in your price range from which to choose.
I'm late to this party but just in case I'll add my .02 cents.

The conquest binos are not in the same park as the victories for brightness and resolution in low light. The Meopta meostar are very close in resolution but not quite as bright. (in my opinion and I own both all three). The meopta's are however very close. I also have used 10x for years and now have gone to 8x42's because so far anything that I can see with 10x can be seen with 8x. Or better said 10x or 12x binos are not spotters.

In the grand scheme of things the top of the heap might be the Zeiss Victory FL's and those are expensive. For 1/2 the price the meostars are almost there. From what I understand the meopros are about 99% of the meostars and those cost around $400.00. Unbelievable how close to the top 400 bucks will get you. :>)
Charles, are the Meostars what you just recently purchased for a friend ? We may need to take a look at them, where did you shop for them --thanks
alaska100":2jzp87xd said:
Charles, are the Meostars what you just recently purchased for a friend ? We may need to take a look at them, where did you shop for them --thanks

Not sure I understand this question but, a PM has been sent to you. :>)
My dad just picked up a pair of Carson Binoculars their 3D glass, for the money I think they are great. Very bright in low light with good contrast between colors & objects.

i'm not sure how they would compare with some of the others, but I do know some of the people my dad works with have said they are in contention with Swarovski's

I will say I only know what my eyes like (and what I can get away with spending) and I think Carson seems like a good buy, not much of a warranty behind them but a nice quality and reasonable price ($200 for 10x42)
The RO's at the snipershide cup were issued the steiner tacticals for spotting hits. I got to look through them and thought they were in the same ballpark as my geovids. Steiner is also putting out some top tier scopes as well.
my 10x42 razor bino's came yesterday . I played a little in the afternoon , and a little more at dusk / dark last night . so far I'm very impressed with them .
What I've seen of the Vortex Razor glass is quite impressive. They appear to have an excellent product that competes well with European glass.
I got a set if Meopta 10-42HDs in last year for review.
They didn't get them back!

Love them
I have a pair of Minox German BL 8x42s inbound as a birthday gift from the sig. other. Cameraland had them on sale and they highly recommended them.
Last time I bring this one back, I promise. But it occurred to me that I never closed this out with results.

I ended up with a pair of 8.5x42 Swarovski ELs last fall. They were used, but new enough to have the Swarovision treatment, and at a price I couldn't resist. They are spectacular. I can't say enough good about them. Ergonomics, lightweight, I really like the open bridge, and of course the optics are first-rate. I've had them out several times over the course of the winter in all kinds of light conditions, and I'm happy. :)
Hegland":1yzu53sv said:
Last time I bring this one back, I promise. But it occurred to me that I never closed this out with results.

I ended up with a pair of 8.5x42 Swarovski ELs last fall. They were used, but new enough to have the Swarovision treatment, and at a price I couldn't resist. They are spectacular. I can't say enough good about them. Ergonomics, lightweight, I really like the open bridge, and of course the optics are first-rate. I've had them out several times over the course of the winter in all kinds of light conditions, and I'm happy. :)

You rarely hear of anybody being dissatisfied with Swarovski. I can't say enough good about mine either. That's great to hear you got a decent deal on them..