Blackhorn 209 is back


Nov 5, 2015
I've seen Blackhorn 209 listed at a couple places, but the cost is about $88 and change for 8 oz bottle. That is $11 plus per oz. Close to shooting gold. Like it in my inline but not that well. When I get what I have shot up will be switching back to 777 or something else. Just can't see paying this price. Dan.
Yea when Hogdon bought out Western Poweder prices went through the roof. I like to muzzleloader hunt but not at that price. For my 150yds max shot, IMR whitehot or 777 pellets work just fine with 250g Barnes Spitfires.
I've seen Blackhorn 209 listed at a couple places, but the cost is about $88 and change for 8 oz bottle. That is $11 plus per oz.
Depending how hard you’re running your ML that bottle would equal about 50 shots.
I was thinking the same thing, when my bottle of Blackhorn is used up I am done with it. For me it doesn’t do anything at 100 yards that Pyrodex doesn’t do.
I've got an unopened bottle of Blackhorn I bought about 5 years ago. I was going to make the switch but MI pulled the switcharoo, now allowing center fire rifles during the Muzzleloader season.
Looks like I've got a lot of gold in the cupboard.

I bet your bottle is a bit bigger than the ones they’re selling now….
I’m at the end of my stash and need more but $90+ for 8 ozs is kinda ridiculous
Yeah, I can almost understand the price rise with everything else, but the price rise, and reducing the product size by 1/5 is crazy.
I've got an unopened bottle of Blackhorn I bought about 5 years ago. I was going to make the switch but MI pulled the switcharoo, now allowing center fire rifles during the Muzzleloader season.

I think I'm going to sell a couple of my muzzleloaders as a result. I bought two nice Knights just prior to the rule change, and have no reason to keep them unused here.
I think I'm going to sell a couple of my muzzleloaders as a result. I bought two nice Knights just prior to the rule change, and have no reason to keep them unused here.
I've thought about doing the same but decided to hold onto them because ya just never know what Lansing will do next.
