Blem question


Feb 13, 2012
So if Nosler is running at max capacity, where are all the blems? I’m used to seeing a lot more at SPS than I’ve seen in a long time. Are they making fewer mistakes?

I need 50 gr BT Varmint for my .223, and 160 AB for the 7mm Rem Mag!
My guess would be that people are buying up the blems faster than you. Same for buying up any other reloading supplies.
The SPS "Blems" weren't widely known about a few years ago. Today virtually everyone knows about them and some shooters only use blems to save money. I think you'd have to check there daily to find desirable items.
I remember getting blem ballistic tips , 100 per bag, as far back as late 90 s, early 2000 s. $8-10 per bag plus freight!

The worlds a changing and not all for the good! Hornady did the same through a wholesaler who is no longer around; those came in a cardboard box! In-expensive too. I remember now, it was LSB (Lock, Stock and Barrel) Dating myself huh .. lol
frankm":85fq0qgw said:
I remember getting blem ballistic tips , 100 per bag, as far back as late 90 s, early 2000 s. $8-10 per bag plus freight!

The worlds a changing and not all for the good! Hornady did the same through a wholesaler who is no longer around; those came in a cardboard box! In-expensive too. I remember now, it was LSB (Lock, Stock and Barrel) Dating myself huh .. lol
Just a couple years ago they were sending me coupons with 20/30 percent off, haven't seen any of them for over a year.
Charlie-NY":1wycoyrj said:
The SPS "Blems" weren't widely known about a few years ago. Today virtually everyone knows about them and some shooters only use blems to save money. I think you'd have to check there daily to find desirable items.

Exactly what I did when I first got into loading my own ammo, religiously checked SPS multiple times a day for bullets. I only check it periodically now as I'm well stocked for the calibers I have.
Over the years I bought a lot of bullets and brass from them. Now days their blem prices are at #1 prices from a couple years ago. It is sad how prices on reloading components have skyrocketed and availability has disappeared.
Nosler might be loading everything to meet the market’s need now. I know with the 99% of blems I bought , I couldn’t tell the difference.
Paul Barnard":iu5h9o74 said:
They shifted blem production to the rifle division.

Well- if anybody's got cause.... Hows the rifle workin' out Paul? CL

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
RL338":2xlaq5gx said:
Over the years I bought a lot of bullets and brass from them. Now days their blem prices are at #1 prices from a couple years ago. It is sad how prices on reloading components have skyrocketed and availability has disappeared.
Nosler might be loading everything to meet the market’s need now. I know with the 99% of blems I bought , I couldn’t tell the difference.

The blem prices are typically more than the 2nd prices of the major suppliers .... I think Nosler got tired of blowing them out to the majors who were still making $$$ on them and decided to market the blems at a higher price themselves. Good business decision but not a favorable situation for us volume shooters. Now Covid and the panic buying have worsened it more.
the444shooter":1orfxeuy said:
And some .277 150gr Accubonds. I can't wait to stoke some of those behind some H1000 or RL26 in my WSM.
Those say out of stock when you click on it

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This entire response is simply my opinion.

First, there are no overruns when there is a backlog of production. Not possible. You can’t have overruns when you have orders for more than you can produce. So right now there probably isn’t any such thing as an overrun.

Second, I would imagine that what was a blemish a year ago, now is not. I mean, I couldn’t see any difference in their blems and firsts. Neither could my scales or calipers.

Do I wonder what else is going on? I absolutely do. Do I think Uncle Sugar could have his fingers in the mix? It’s absolutely possible.

There are also stats that show there were almost 10 million first time gun owners last year, and they all bought a few boxes of ammo to shoot their new babies. People are resourceful. When ammo ran low many started to reload.

Remington also shut down which took 1/3 of domestic ammo and primer production away. It’s like a food chain in the wild. One part impacts all other parts. Hence the component shortage.

I don’t think it’s black and white. I don’t think we are getting the real truth from manufacturers or the gov. I think reality lies somewhere in the grey area between the two sides. I think we are getting a partial load of crap from both sides. Neither CEO’s, a press release, nor the gov will ever be beneficial to anyone but the represented organization.

I’m good on all my supplies for the next 5-6 years of normal shooting, so I’m not scrambling for anything. I’ll still look but I’m not paying $.35 per primer. Not saying never but I set myself up so I can be stubborn for a while. Just my opinion, of course.
I'm only shooting a couple of cartridges these days. I watched SPS diligently for a few months a couple-three-four years ago. When I got a 'hit' on the bullets I was looking for I kept buying some every paycheck until that bullet was gone. Repeat, Repeat. Repeat.

I'm good to go for awhile to come.......;)