Blind hog, meet acorn...


Jan 31, 2021
I have been piddling with a 7mmRM Tikka for a few years now. I had 2 inches taken off the bbl and it just hasn't been the same since. Last year I just gave up on it. Fast-forward to this week; I have a few friends who are wanting to get into hunting and have asked me to take them to the range and then to the deer woods. I took the Tikka out and built it up around used parts I had in the basement. I put an old Buckmaster on it and some used Talleys. I have plenty of H4831sc and 160g Blem Partitions so I reloaded well below load max to a SAAMI COAL of 3.29".

I took it out tonight with less than precise reloads and after 3 shots to find zero I shot these 2 groups at 100:


Then this girl came out at 30 yards to see what all the noise was about:


I would like to think I am a hand-loader and know what I am doing, but so often I just get lucky.

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It's better to be lucky than to be good. Still, some fine shooting there. Yeah, it is always a fascinating event when the critters wander out to see what all the noise is about. We used to have a black bear that enjoyed sleeping on the backside of the berms to the handgun range. He'd poke his head up now and then just to see what all the fuss was about and then go back to grazing and/or sleeping.
She’s a brave soul , obviously she didn’t see your targets.