Bullet for the 7STW and whitetails?


Apr 18, 2009
Well the 264 isn't stocked and ready to shoot yet. I'm still working on that.................. :mrgreen:

In the meanwhile,I had to scratch that 7STW itch.Two weeks ago I dropped off a 26 inch barreled Mdl 70 in 7 Rem Mag with my 'smith. I told him to ream it to 7STW. He told me it would take about two months to get it in the shop.
Well he got a hair up his backside.He called today.
My STW is ready to go.Gonna pick her up Saturday.

My intention is another long range whitetail thumper.(Or maybe another trip chasing elk is in the future :roll: )

My thinking is along the lines of the 160AB and some slow burning powder like H1000,RL25 or even the surplus powder known as WC872.(Same dope as AA8700 or H870 which are discontinued)

I can't see any reason to shoot anything lighter in this rifle,HOWEVER I do have a couple hundred 140ABs on the bench.

I know some of you fellas are loading this monster.
Point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,
I agree, the 160 gr AB would be an excellent choice. Retumbo might also be a powder to consider.

160 AccuBond is the bullet that I'd go with. I've used H1000 and Magnum to good effect. Also, if you have A8700 available, I've had excellent success with that powder.
Dr Mike I can't find any AA8700.
I have 8lbs of WC872 which is a military ball powder used to load 50BMG and 20MM vulcan ammo.
All the info I have on it says to use the load data from AA8700 or H870. I got it to load the 264 with.
8lbs of powder for $49.00 I figured I had more money left for Nosler bullets :p
I finished working with a 7mm STW a month ago or so. H1000 has been my "go to" powder in that cartridge for some time. It consistently gives me good results with the 160 grain AB. Magnum is another powder that has performed surprisingly well for me with the 160 grain AB. On a lark, I loaded up a series of tests with the A8700. I still have several pounds and decided just to test while I was heading to the range. To my chagrin, it outshot my ol' reliable loads. I used 94 grains of A8700 as a maximum charge with the 160 grain AB. This was a compressed load, but it did shoot very well. At $49 for eight pounds, the WC872 would be a steal. I haven't seen prices like that for some time! :shock:
Just flipped through my Nosler manual to check out the specs. That sounds like a fun cartridge, but damn, it eats some powder. :shock:
My STW also likes H-1000. My loads are right up near the top of the book but have no issues regarding pressure. Best hunting bullet either the 160 PT or AccuBond, I also shoot the Barnes TSX in this rifle. I have several groups with center to center under and around .300.I only shoot 160's for all game in my sevens. Most accurate bullet for "all" of my sevens is the 162 Hornady BTSP. The STW is very flat compairable to the big 30's and energy stays high way out there. !!!!!
Duck, I really like my STW.
I shoot the 160gr AB's and the surpluss powder.
WC872 is actually slower then the old AA8700. In General WC860 is about 8% slower then the old H870, and WC872 is a little slower then the WC860. Mine shoots it's best groups with 150gr BT, but considering my launch velocity I've moved up to the 160gr AB's (seconds of course). It will shoot 2 inches at 400 yards with the AB's but it's a little particular about it's OAL.

I'm sure you will really enjoy the round. It's alot of fun.
Has anyone you know of tried any of those WC Powders in a 300 RUM, given the powder is so slow?

I have.

With the 860 we were pushing a 165gr BT around 3450. With the WC872, we were pushing the 200gr AB's around 3250. I'd sure like to try the 872 behind the 180 BT's. I thinks I could make it THE combination for that caliber.
I'm not familiar with this powder. Where do you get it and load data for it? How clean does it burn?
Maybe a good combo with the 180 AB I shoot! Is this a ball powder?

This is a clean shooting ball powder. WC860 was originally .50 BMG powder. WC872 is 20mm powder.
For loading data, start with H870/AA8700 data for starting loads.
For max loads take H870 max and divide by .92 for WC860, and .90 for WC872....or there abouts.
WC860 is about 8% slower then H870, and WC872 is a little slower yet. Watch your pressure signs closely, and if our guns tells you to stop, then stop. These are hard starting Ball powders so use Fed215 primers, these powders do not like cold primers.

I get mine here:

Anymore Surpluss powder, Nosler seconds, are about all I shoot. I'm starting to get into casting a bit, so we will see how that works out.

Just for you, I will re-post my Surpluss powder loading guide.
I got the WC872 from Weidner's on the advice of a couple of SERIOUS 264WM shooters.
It was new power not pulldown.
Might give them a look.

Looks like we all might need to get together and start another tab on this forum. One where we can all share info about where to go/who has a deal on components?????

Pats still has some WC296 for $11.00 a pound.

I shoot 23.5gr with cci 350 primers behind the Nosler 240gr HP in my 44 mag. It is a great load.


His current Lot of WC860 is very good stuff. I would recommend it over the WC872 for the .264 WM.

THe WC872 he's selling is also virgin, new production.

I have not tried the 867, but would sure like to. Stories on it conflict a little bit, but it sounds like it's suited for both the 50 BMG and 20mm.
I'm shooting 80.0grs of Reloader-22 or Win. WXR with 139-140's and 77.0grs of Reloader-22 or Win. WXR with 160gr Accubonds.
Whitetails are easy to kill and bonded bullets aren't necessary. I've killed quite a few at fairly long range with the 162 A-Max bullets. Impacts to the shoulder drop them like rocks. Impacts behind the shoulder result in silver dollar size exits and dead deer within 20-40yds.

I used a max charge of H1000 and got .5moa @ 200yds regularly.
I hear you and agree. But if you don't own a 35 Whelen you will always trail deer! It's a DRT Rifle on Whitetails. :) In reality the 7 STW is a real smoker. What velocities are you getting with that 162 bullet?

Charlies, I agree with you that white tails are not hard to kill. The reason for the heavy AB out of the STW was to save meat. 150gr BT's at a 3400 fps impact velocity don't hold up very well. Yes, killed everything I've shot with them, but they leave one hell of a mess. However the Accubonds still kill everything I've shot with it, and leaves that nice silver dollar exit hole you were referring to.
Been using 140gr AccuBond and 82gr RL22 Federal 215 Mag
for a very long time in my 7mmSTW and fore some friends.
Really tested hunting load a Big boar and means very big from
stem to stem, whitetails,cats, coyos.
Weatherby Custom Shilen barreled 28"@ 3600fps.
Hot load caution.