Case Neck Concentricity

I was considering trying a Wilson .25-06 die and the office arbour press, to see if I could get confirmation the bullet is the problem. But it costs & £65 of my Great British Pounds...that's probably around $90 US.
Might be worth it to determine if it's the bullets, the dies, or my technique.

As mentioned, if I dis-assemble & retry with a diferent AB bullet from the same box, the run out of the reloaded round is different, often much less, whereas re-using the same bullet produces almost identical excessive run out.
But this is a lottery. You can't tell before you seat & check the cartridge what run out results.

If I load twenty rounds using my carefully prepped and checked cases, 15-20% of those rounds will have excessive run out of .0035" or more to .005".
Good enough for hunting, but not for me an acceptable percentage so I need to find if I can reduce that percentage of my reloads.
If it really is down to the bullets, I can do nothing other than make a 'good box/bad box' but if a Wilson die eliminates the issue....?!