Case trimmer


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
I feel the need to up grade my old RCBS case trimmer. I’m finding that no matter how hard I try to be consistent I can end up with a fairly wide variable in case length. Wondering what you all use to get acceptable results.
I'm using a Wilson trimmer with a power screwdriver. It may not be the fastest tool but it is accurate. I stopped using my RCBS trimmer way back.
Henderson's Gen 3 trimmer is excellent!
Check out the the seating force with the Henderson against the Giraud.
Check out the group difference and ES and SD between the Henderson against the Giraud. This is on F-Class John's (John Masek) video
Well I use the Lee case length gauge , they’re cheap by they give me a constant trim length. I have had them make me custom one for several of my Wbys.
I still use the Lyman universal trimmer. Not fancy and very tedious, spent a few hours behind it last weekend, but I get consistent results. I only trim every 3rd firing after the 1st though so the tedium is reduced. This past weekend was just a perfect storm of a very large batch, about 600 cases, that I had let pile up and finally knocked out. Normally it's only 50 or 100 at a time. I knock them back to .020 under book after the 1st firing/fl size and haven't had one grow beyond spec with that rotation. Have looked at power options in the past but the price tags on them are a deal breaker for me personally. I don't shoot comp though and only load hunting and practice rounds.
Frankford Arsenal Trim and Prep Center is what I use these days.After I resize my brass,I can trim,deburr,chamfer and clean primer pockets at a rate of 4-5 cases a minute.I really changed my world doing case prep.It really saves a lot of time.I've had mine for about seven years now and I'd hate to be without it.When you price out each individual tool,the Frankford really doesn't cost much more or even less depending on the tools.
I use the Giraud, trims pretty quick. Setting up the cutter correctly for a perfect trim is a pain in the arse. I buy a cutter for each caliber. Example, using one cutter for three 6.5's as 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5 x 284 and 6.5 PRC will drive you nuts, it will destroy a few cases if you are not careful setting them up from one caliber to another, so I buy one cutter for each caliber, adjust it correctly, use a lock ring and you won't need to worry about adjusting the cutter again unless your cutter blade goes dull or breaks. I used to use the old style RCBS Case Trimmer, but takes longer to trim 100 piece batches of cases.