Cleaning Copper Fouling


May 30, 2009
We all know how fast copper fouling can ruin your accuracy.I alway try to break in a new barrel buy firing a shot and cleaning. Repeating the procedure for a number of rounds. It seem to help.Some barrels take on copper much worse that others.I have used a number of product in the past with marginal luck. Most of them contained ammonia.I have also used JB compound.So I was just wondering what everybody else is using these days and what luck you are having removing copper fouling.
Thanks for your input.
i'm using sweets 5% ammonia bore cleaner. then rinsing with 91% alcohol. once this drys i use remoil sprayed on patch and jag it a few times. then if i still see copper i do it all again.

I use Butches Bore Shine for carbon and general purpose solvent. I use Sweets 7.62 for copper fouling and Rem Oil for protection and lubrication.
I have also used JB Bore Paste for some of those stubborn spots.

I use Sweets7.62 and Tetra Gun copper solvent. I just tried a new one to me called Blue Wonder. I think or the other way around as I just loaned it to my brother. It worked well. I have heard good things about Butches Bore Shine. I also use Wipe-Out which was the original foaming bore cleaner. I have used JB paste and it works. I will a combination of products sometimes ---one after another with spraying Brake cleaner down the bore then a few dry patches to remove the brake cleaner.

Some of the old Mil surplus rifles have quite the build up sometimes when I first get them and require much work to get all of it out.
For copper cleaning I use sweete 7.62 for stubborn copper followed by a patch soaked in Hoppes. Then dry patch a few times before letting CLP soak in for a few minutes and dry patch the majority of oil out.
I just picked up some Butches bore shine and haven't used it enough to comment about it. I do prefer the smell of Hoppes to all the other cleaners.
Every once in a while I put a dab behind the wifes ear. :grin:
Use Sweet or Barnes CR-10. Ammonia only attacks copper. As long as you clean the barrel thoroughly after each cleaning session with ammonia base bore cleaner with other solvents like Hoppes, you'll be just fine.
Wipe Out is the way to go. I found a length of vinyl tubing with an ID fit the can nozzle and the OD fit tight in my chamber. Apply the stuf from the chamber end with the rifle upside down with plenty of rags present as this keeps the stuff from running down into the action and stock. I tip the muzzle down slightly to keep it all going in the righ direction. My uncle got me started in the stuff and he heard about it from an ex-olympic high power shooter. CL
I first clean powder and lead residue with Hoppes. Then, I address any copper that may have fouled the barrel. For serious copper fouling, I use CR10 or Sweet's 7.62. I use CR10 on chromoly barrels, and Sweet's on stainless barrels. For 35 calibre or larger barrels, I use G96 Copper Solvent. It seems to work very well on larger bores. When I am breaking in a barrel, I use Butch's Bore Shine. This is what I recommend to customers that ask for my recommendation. WipeOut works very well, but since I really like to clean at the range, I don't use it much. On my own rifles, I like to give a final pass with G96 Complete Gun Treatment, followed by a couple of dry patches.
I have used the Rem product 40X and it works pretty good on removing fouling.It is a liquid that has a very mild abrasive in it.
Barnes CR 10 & a "home brew" that I got on the internet & contains ammonia. Both work well. Just don't forget to clean it out thoroughly, especially the "homebrew".
Wipe for copper. I have been useing their "Patch Out" lately. The cleaner is the same but it isn`t a pressurize spray. You patch it in the bore like you would any cleaner and let tit set. I find short stroking the patch works up a lather that seems to work a bit quicker. Might just be me though. :roll: Wipe Out also has an oil in it to protect the bore. No oiling after it is clean is needed if you desire.

Carbon IMO needs something else at times. I don`t think the foams do as well there as they do on copper. The wipe out people now have a "carb out" but I haven`t tried it. I use Rem Clean, now called "Remington 40X" I believe, for that every so often after getting the copper out 1st.
I have not put a brush in my bores for a few years now and feel they are cleaner then they ever were.