Clover Food Plot


Sep 17, 2013
Here are a couple of photos of the clover food plot I put in this year. This food plot is where the trail that I took all the buck photos leads to.

This food plot started last year when I plowed up this shooting lane in early August. I let it set for about two weeks. Then I disked it, limed it, fertilized it, and seeded it to forage oats and turnips the last week of last August. The deer and turkeys were in the forage oats very heavy right through hunting season. This spring I frost seeded it with clover. In May I sprayed it with a selective herbicide (Arrest) that kills only grass. In June I ran a brush hog over the top of the clover and cut the broadleafs. The clover then grew above the broadleafs and (I hope) crowded out the broadleafs.


  • CloverCloseUp.JPG
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  • CloverMediumView.JPG
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  • CloverFarView.JPG
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That should be very attractive to the ungulates. It clearly serves as a magnet for some fine deer.
Those are beautiful, I will bet that the deer come running to those. My food plots are much smaller and include Chicory as well as clover. The deer love them. I will have to replant soon.
My nephew has 2 1/4s that are seeded to Alpha it has now been cut & baled so we snoop around on it but it is tough to hunt as there are so many bluffs.

A Buddy of mine plants turnips for feed plots and they also seem to draw deer plus if you like the awful tasting things you can have them for dinner or a snack while hunting. :lol:
I agree with the critters.
The greens from turnips are pretty good when stewed with a ham hock. :grin:
Next thing ya know someone will fall off the turnip truck :roll: I know if I was hungry I would help myself around midnight every night :lol: I loved turnips growing up but not like my BIL he would peel them and eat them raw like an apple! I had to have mine thrown in the pressure cooker for a few minutes with some kneck bones :grin: Arkansas Game & Fish would build these little small food plots all over the county I lived in in Southern Arkansas and sure did help the population in those areas!
Terry, you don't have to worry about someone falling off my Truck because I don't haul Turnips :lol: