Cooper Arms - company review

6mm Remington

Ammo Smith
Feb 27, 2006

I've been meaning to stop in at Cooper Arms in Stevensville Montana for quite a while especially since they are only 30 minutes from my door. Yesterday I went in and a very nice lady met me at the door and asked if she could help me. She showed me to a room with several of their rifles on the wall that I could look at and slobber all over. Then she asks me if I wanted to take the tour?? :grin: :p Must be kidding right. That's an awful silly question.

A couple minutes later a nice fellow meets me and we begin the tour. For the next 30-45 minutes he took me through the complete plant where I got to see work being done of rough stocks of bar steel to me made into actions, to the milling, the stocks, triggers, barrels, checkering, chambering, reloading, test firing, the whole deal. I'm only sorry I never thought to take pictures to share with you guys so you could see the Cooper factory as I did.

The man assured me that if you call Cooper and you have an issue with any of their rifles, first you will get to speak with a real person and not a computer, and second, they will assist you in any way they can. The whole experience left me pretty impressed and they sure turn out a very fine product. Dang it though I still want that controlled round feed Winchester .280 Remington!!

Maybe if I get just a bit of encouragement from you folks and you would be interested, I would go back down again and go through with the guy and take pictures this time and then I could show to EVERYONE. I would think they would not mind at all as it would certainly be some good exposure for them. Let me know if anyone wants to see some pictures and I'll force myself to go back!! :shock: :lol:

I was impressed with the company.

I added a bunch of pictures guys!!
I want a see the person in charge of the targets and how they get 3 rounds thru the same hole and thanks for no pictures as I am doing just fine by myself :mrgreen: now Gerry & Lou have a new Sako thread going :roll: guess I need to stop buying Bee's :lol: Sako Deluxe Classic's calling my name HARD :grin:
Did you ask them why they shoot their targets at 50 yards only using a 36 power leupold? Always wondered about that...
I asked about their accuracy guarantee and they say 1/2" or better three shot groups at 100 yards. They test them at 50 yards as they have an indoor range to do that on and which is right next door to the rest of the building. They had to build on the building to get the 50 yard indoor range.
Not to stir the pot, but wasn't Dan Cooper removed from Cooper Rifles? It was my understanding that following a contribution to the Obama campaign, many supporters were outraged and called for his resignation. If that is not true, then please set me straight. I'd hate to propagate a lie. They certainly make some beautiful rifles and you've got to love a product made in Montana. Their Custom Classic M52 is a knockout and I'd be willing to bet you could score one in .280! I think they've got a three lug bolt, as I recall.
The previous owner was removed from the company. I believe it was folks that were left behind who rallied behind the company and have kept it going. Seems like they do really nice work. It is a three lug bolt on their rifles. The actions are similar to a 700 Remington and they make their own triggers which are similar to a Timney. The barrels they use are Wilson. They will put a Lilja on if the customer wishes, but they have had great luck with the Wilson barrels. They do walnut or other hardwood stocks, synthetic, and laminates. All of the checkering is done in-house. I had one of the gals who does checkering for them do my son's rifle and it was superb!!

Funny thing you mention the 280. They do chamber for that and for the 280AI!! They made a few falling block single shots a while back, I believe the fellow told me it was 50 of them. Oh my are they pretty. They had one on display in their room just as you come into the building. I wish they still made those as it really looked sharp. That would be a nice one in a 280 with a 26" barrel. I'm just saying!!!
Now that's the kind of story I like to hear about! I'm happy to hear that they rallied and are turning out a quality product. Anything that employs Americans is a good OP in my opinion and it's awesome to hear that they take such pride in their work. A similar thing happened when Ron Coburn took over Savage Arms. I'll be happy to pass this info on to folks in the future.
I'm telling you buddy, you being a Montana native and Cooper being a Montana company, I think you two could make some pretty sweet music together, especially in the .280 Remington that you prefer! Again, thanks for the heads up Cooper Firearms and setting the record straight.

PS - Looking forward to those pics!
I have seen and handled a few of their rifles and have been impressed by what I've seen. Beautiful. And those test targets do inspire! But they do not tell you what load they are using either. I know a few people who have purchased Coopers and are disappointed because they do not get that kind of accuracy out of them...which only goes to show that many of us cannot quite live up to some of these rifles' accuracy potentials. Again proving that the rifle is only as accurate as the person behind the trigger at any given moment! LOL
A number of years ago, I got to dreaming of a three rifle setoff Cooper's....repeating rifles in 25-06, 280 and 338-06 in nice walnut stocks, with the addition of a synthetic stock for rough country hunts or foul weather hunts. I sent the folks at Cooper an e-mail outlining my wishes and never received a response. Nor a response to a follow up e-mail either. I was disappointed! Needless to say that I have never been back to their website.
I am glad to hear that David received excellent attention and service while he was at their factory and that it sounds as if things have improved. Perhaps I had e-mailed them during their troubles with the original owner...I'll never know...
Perhaps if you called?

Some businesses aren't real big on e-mail. I can't say why. I like e-mail myself, it helps me keep track of clients, and what they want.

David, thanks for the report. I've been real tempted to buy some sort of semi-custom rifle, such as a Cooper, Nosler or Montana Rifle Company or even NULA. But... I'm so doggone satisfied with my pair of 700 CDL's that I don't think I'll ever change.

David thank you for the report it was very informative & I enjoyed the read!!

Thanks David, I would appreciate pictures. I have handled several of their rifles in various gun stores and they make a fine product that they should be proud of. I just have not gotten around to buying one of their very nice rifles.
Blkram just to add a bit, I asked about loads and I was told they have no problem sharing their test load with folks. They have figured a load for each caliber that seems to shoot well in each of those chamberings. Kind of like 57.4 grs or thereabouts of IMR4350 in the 30-06 with most 165 grain bullets. (my load but lots of guys have success here with very similar loads)

I was shown the reloading room and looked at the data on the boxes and I was told if I wanted to know the load for a particular cartridge just call and ask. They will tell you bullet, charge, powder, seating depth, the whole deal. I got to look at the data on the cartridge box personally.
Cool. That's a lot like Hornady publishing the load data for their 6.5 Creedmoor on every box of factory ammo...

Nice of them to share so freely. They are beautiful rifles... I gave some thought to one in .25-06, before picking up my 700 CDL. It is good enough for me, but for a "special" rifle - the Cooper is very, very nice.

Thanks David.
Nice to know that they are providing that info to their customers. I'm glad that you had a good time there...would be a cool place to visit.
Who knows, I may have to get over to Prophet River Firearms in Lloyd and drool over his assortment of Coopers!
He gave my wife very good service when she purchased her Lipsey's Edition of a Ruger No. 1 in 250 Savage. And I know that he usually carries a good assortment, including left handed models. Maybe after I get this 414 Super Mag levergun built! Of course I still have to get those LH Sako's in 6.5x55and 9.3x62....
Ahhhh...the wishlist is never quite finished is it!?!?
Blkram no it is not ever finished! A Ruger #1 in .250 Savage now that sounds like a really neat rifle. Goodness knows I love my Ruger #1's!!
I went down today and took a photo tour with Glen, the same fellow who showed me around last week. I'm going to post quite a few pictures so just sit back and browse. Not sure if my pictures will do the rifles justice. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!!

Here we go.

This is the office. Very nice looking.

This would be the drool room! :grin: Some rifles they have built over the years.

Just for Fotis. They made 50 falling block single-shot rifles in the 1990's oh man could we get them to do it again??? I believe this one is a .223 AI !! The middle rifle is a 340 Weatherby !! :mrgreen:

Yes they even made a few shotguns!!

Colt had Cooper Arms build them some commemorative rifles in what else but 30-06!!

Sorry but I had to put this close-up in!!

Hand checkering on the wood and on the metal bolt knob. Classy!

Classy again. Timed screws and checkered wood exposed OH MY!

Now that I have your attention, don't post anything and give me a bit to go through all these pictures and put up a few for you to enjoy.