Coyote taken with the 6mm 55gr Ballistic Tip...


Nov 28, 2007
Last week I got a call from a farmer I know saying that he'd found a coyote den in his grapes and wanted me to take care of the "problem".

I have a Smith & Wesson Model 1500 in .243 Winchester. Last week I decided to camouflage the rifle with textured paints in Tans, Browns and Greens. It turned out great....I grabbed a box of handloaded 55gr ballistic tips and picked up my buddy from work. I've been a little skeptical about the 55gr 6mm bullet, but gave it a shot.

Long story short. I started using the Power Dog, jackrabbit distress call. About 30 seconds into the call, I realized that I had not positioned myself far enough down the bank we were on and would be skylined from the chest up if a coyote came in. I was stuck.

At about the 4 minute mark, a coyote came slinking around the corner...he crossed behind a bush and I raised the rifle. At 30 yards I kissed at him and he stopped with a few branches covering him up. Immediately, he spotted me and turned tail. At 70+- yards he stopped broadside.

The bullet broke the onside shoulder and left a 1/2 dollar sized exit.

I love that bullet! My brother took a skinny, not very good looking yote with a 55 NBT out of my 243 yesterday at about 400-425 yards. Hit her right in the neck. BANG FLOP!

Of the 18 yotes I have taken with that 243 in the last few months I have only had one hit with the 55 NBT that didn't just flop. Hit it on the point of the shoulder. Blew up and pretty much tore the shoulder off not getting to any of the important stuff. A mile and a half later another put him down or good.
I've taken a few coyotes with the 70gr 6mm Ballistic Tip out of the .243 and it is my favorite coyote bullet of all time. The 55gr bullet did a good job on this coyote, but I was worried about the penetration....
congratulation on your yote kill, they definitely make the off seasons bearable to endure due to thear vast numbers.Last year during my moose hunting they were always showing up when calling,must have made my moose sound like he had one foot in the grave or that he was beating up on snow white and the seven dwarves. :lol: :lol: 8)
I have never used the 55 but the 70 gr BT from the 243 I used to shoot groundhogs with will turn a groundhog inside out.