Death of my Tumbler


Apr 4, 2010
My tumbler which has been with me for many years has died. Its a vibrator type with the drum on the top for the media. I am very comfortable with that style. Any thoughts on a replacement?
Dillon makes two sizes of which I have the small one and it is large enough for most reloaders who don't reload commercially.
I have three tumblers, a Dillon and two Lymans. I've had two tumblers turn toes up, on a Lyman that I'd had for close to 30 years. Finally died of old age I guess. The Dillon turned toes up about four years after I bought it, the motor just giving up the ghost I guess. Dillon fixed it for $50 to replace the motor plus shipping and tax. The two newer Lyman have been going strong and it's been about 5 years or so since I bought them. One was left running by acident when we had to souddenly take off on an emergency trip and was still going strog when we got back. It had run continuously for 9 days. Purtiest brass you ever saw. :lol: I usually run the Lymans overnight and it doesn't seem to hurt them a bit. Dillon says to not run their tumbler more than 3 hours.
Paul B.
+5, my vibrating tumbler and ultra sonic cleaner have sat unused since I got my thumlers tumbler and stainless media a year ago. I have cleaned 2k+ pieces of rifle brass in the last year with it.
I have two Lyman tumblers that I use when I am in a hurry. However, for my own brass, the Thumlers gets the nod.
So the consensuses is that the Thumbler with stainless steel media is better. But I don't like the idea of water around my reloading supplies or in my brass. It just seems like extra work that you have to rinse and dry your brass. And I also read were you have to pull the rubber lining and dry the interior of the Thumbler or it will rust. I'm not knocking it just sounds like extra work and maintenance.
I do the tumbling in the garage, nowhere near my reloading stuff.
I use a nozzle handle to blow each piece of brass dry, then they sit on a towel for 12-24 hours to dry. No problems here.
Thank you all for the great comments and info. I did not mention the brand it is a "thumblers, tumbler" that I paid $69.00 for in the 80's. I looked in the original box today and found the purchase slip from Brownells, and the parts list. I called the company, in Auburn Wa. (near OT#3) and they are sending me a new electric motor. The rest of the unit is like new, even with hundreds of hours and thousands of cases through it. The price of the motor is $41.00 and I already have the old one apart and waiting for the new motor.
Well, it certainly didn't owe you anything, Bill. Good testimonial to its durability.
You are right Mike, I was really surprised when I found out that I can still buy parts. They are noisy but its durable and always done a great job.