degraded powder


Feb 13, 2016
While checking my powder inventory, came across a can of IMR4166 that had one side of the can all rusted out with a hole in it, after opening the cap, i saw a reddish tint in the can. So I came back with a paper plate and poured out half a can of powder, and the powder looked normal, and black in color. The other cans that was next to the 4166 seemed fine, with no signs of rust. Should I use this powder or is it already in degradation status due to the reddish color I saw when I took the cap off? Should I toss it for fertilizer for my plants?

Dang nabit, i grabbed an Enduron IMR7977 off my shelf to try on my 7 Mag only to find some flakes under the plastic cap, and I had a feeling that I will be seeing some more degraded powder like the Enduron IMR 4166 last week. I opened the cap and the seal has never been opened, and it was caved in and broke to pieces when i touched the seal, inside the fumes was the same rustic red color as the 4166. I also opened a new can of 4451 Enduron , but it seemed fine. But I am not going to risk using any of those Endurons for those reasons, so they wound up on my lawn again. I remembered buying those 3 powders like 2 years ago and they already went bad and has not been opened at all. I wondered if the heat had anything to do with it since I kept them in my garage. I never seen any of those issues with Hodgdon or Reloader powders, only on the IMR Enduron, this was my 3rd can that had this issue. About 4 years ago, I had those old metal cans of IMR's and that was the first bad powder I came across. I'm not buying Enduron again.

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That’s really sad! I have powders in the garage in Houston for a lot longer and still good. Is it happening to the Enduron powders? Or is it something we might expect from more powders these days?
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Up till now it's been pure speculation... but I've always figured some of the new powders didn't have the shelf life of the old powders.

The newest type of powder I have is Reloder 26, which seems to be keeping fine so far (6 or 7 years old)...I never tried any of the enduron powders.

I do store my powders in a temperature controlled environment though... I'm shooting some that are approaching 20 years old (Power Pistol, Unique, Reloder 15, and H4895).
Over the years I was creating way more fertilizer than I thought I should be, but I was in the basement. After investing in a couple of dehumidifiers and a condensate pump to pump the collected water to the washer machine drain, I haven’t had the issues anymore.
I have sent IMR a message with my issues and I will call them today to see what is happening with the Enduron powders.
I've only kept my components in a temperature controlled environment so I haven't experienced anything like you have experienced.
Heat and moisture are bad for powder and primers so maybe garage storage has something to do with it.
Keep us posted Mark.

Question for you all:
My recent powders, last say 10 years, are stored indoors, in a cabinete, fairly cosntant temperature and low humidity.
I do have however some powders that I have had for over 20 years. (I had taken a break for while) that had been in a cbinbete the garage (Houston)
IMR 7828 and and 4227, in the metal cans, and Unique, 2400, and some other pitol powders in the round "paper" containers.
They smell good, look good, no signs of coler change or degradation. Anything else I should be checking before I load and shoot? Or are they fertilizer?
Thank you
Question for you all:
My recent powders, last say 10 years, are stored indoors, in a cabinete, fairly cosntant temperature and low humidity.
I do have however some powders that I have had for over 20 years. (I had taken a break for while) that had been in a cbinbete the garage (Houston)
IMR 7828 and and 4227, in the metal cans, and Unique, 2400, and some other pitol powders in the round "paper" containers.
They smell good, look good, no signs of coler change or degradation. Anything else I should be checking before I load and shoot? Or are they fertilizer?
Thank you
You should be fine on your propellants. Degradation is noted by the acrid smell described and the appearance of rust coloured powder or by discernible change in structure of the propellant. I am not able to speak authoritatively on the newer powders because of the changes in composition/coatings, but the older powders (say prior to about five years ago) can be checked as described. I use some powders that are well over twenty-years old without any problems.
You should be fine on your propellants. Degradation is noted by the acrid smell described and the appearance of rust coloured powder or by discernible change in structure of the propellant. I am not able to speak authoritatively on the newer powders because of the changes in composition/coatings, but the older powders (say prior to about five years ago) can be checked as described. I use some powders that are well over twenty-years old without any problems.
Thank you sir! I appreciate it. I just wanted to hear other's experiences.
I don't have any Enduron, and waiting to see what IMR will reply to TackDriver. That sure should not happen in such a short time.