Does "Overlap" bother you?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
What I mean is I have never been able to let myself own various rifles in the same diameter....more or less, unless their configurations are totally different. For instance I know guys who own 2 30-30's, 4 308 wins, 2 30-06's, 1 300 Win mag, and 1 300 WBY mag. To me it seems very redundant, even though I can see the use for a handy 30-30 or a short 308 and a 300 WBY LR rig.
How much do your rifles overlap?
Well "I" don't have any overlap. .243 win, .280AI, .338 WM and .375R. My wife has a 7-08, but that is hers and doesn't count...right?

I'm going to be building a heavy 7stw next summer, but that is a very different rifle than my 8 lb 280 AI. The bigger calibers .338 and up I don't see a point in owning more than one. The 338 WM will do almost anything the 338 RUM will do, just not with as much "slpat factor". Now I can see the same thing for the 6mm and under as well. But from .25-.308 there are enough different choices that I could see a guy owning a .308 and a 300 WM/WBY/RUM. I don't think I could ever own two of anything that I already have though. I have a hard enough time picking the gun I want to use most of the time anyways :?
I have incredible overlap in my rifles. For instance, the 7 WSM and 7 RM are virtual twins. I do have two 358s (BLR and Hawkeye). The 35 Whelen and the 350 RM are ballistic twins. Such redundancy is good for the soul, though hard on the pocketbook.
I have never had any problem with over lapping. I am a firm believer that the guy that dies with the most rifles wins. :mrgreen:
I have a 308 (wifes), M1 30 Carbine, 300 Win Mag, 300 Wby Mag in the .30 cal department, but only 1 of the rest of them. Your right though, but I see big and small also. Kinda like have a nice handy 7-08 for some things and then a 7RM or bigger as a LR rifle. Heck, I can justify about anything, and as Mike said, rifles are great for the soul! Scotty
Well, I may have found locally a 280 Ross. It won't do anything my 280 Remington won't do, except make me feel good about having it in my safe. It won't do one thing better than my 303 Ross does, and they will shoot about identically. However, I'll feel pretty good about these residing in my home. The 338 Federal I'm building and the 358 Winchesters I have produce considerable overlap. Two 356s are pretty much identical to my two 358s, but they are fun to hold and to shoot. Again, overlap soothes the soul.
I do not like overlap but in my case my dads death created overlap because we pretty much had the same taste in riflles and calibers. At one time I had 5 ,30-06 rifles. I now only have one. My biggest concern is that because I am primarily a hunter not a collector, I hate to see rifles that are setting in the back of my safe unused. I have sold 10 or so rifles and gave away a few in the last five years. I still have too many that should be in the woods. Most I keep because they are my dad's but somone else could be getting some joy out of hunting and shooting them, rather them being in the back of my safe. I have had many discussions with myself regarding this issue and it is still unsolved. :grin: :grin: :grin:
I only have overlap in shotguns, none with rifles.

I do have a pair of .223s, but that was deliberate for the sake of consolidating prairie dog ammunition.

However, I somehow have ended up with four 12-gauges...
I have some diameter overlap, but for me it's all about "purpose" when it comes to rifles. I have a 243Win, which is my only "small gun." I have a 270Wby, which I have set up to shoot far and flat with 130gr's, but I'd like a 7mmRemMag to shoot 160gr's for bigger stuff. I have a 30-30, and a 30-06, and a (borrowed) 300Wby. Then I have an 8x57, which basically duplicates the 30-06, except I am leaning toward either 150's or 165's in the -06, and I use 180's in the 8x57 and 300Wby (at 2720 and 3215 respectively). So, I have a fair amount of overlap, but I separate it out by intent.

Why do you ask, POP? Find something you want, but can't justify?
I"m kind of like dubyam, I buy for purpose first. A medium general purpose hunting rifle, is a MGP regardless if it's in .270 Win, 280 AI or 30.06.
So once you have all you different purposes covered, Varmint rifle, medium general purpose, heavy thumper, long range rig, cheap to shoot mil surplus rifle, CQB, blackpowder, brushgun, pickup beater rifle, saddle rifle, Africa rifle, idiot proof rifle for teaching others, cowboy action, bench rest, silhouette, aunchutz, natiional match, antique wallhanger, and your end of the world rifle, then you can start worring about overlap.
My first draft of this made me feel like both an arrogant tool and supremely inadequate, so let's try version two:

No. Lots of overlap.
Interesting topic, apparently ovelap does not bother me either.

I own three rifles chambered in 22-250. I own two rifles chambered in 7-08. I own two 300 WSM rifles as well as a 300 Weatherby Magnum.

Sometimes it makes sense, like my two 7-08 rifles. One is a heavy barreled model bought for silhoutte shooting and the other is Mountain Rifle bought to pack around in the mountains. Sometimes it makes no sense at all, I first bought a 300 WSM in a Remington 700 XCR Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Limited Edition. A few years later I bought a 300 WSM in a Remington 700 CDL Boone and Crockett Limited Edition just because I wanted it. ( I am a sucker for those Remingon limited series rifles, I also own several Model 700 Classics.)
It kind of drives me nuts.
Man I got issues! :roll:
My 243 drives me nuts due to being in the middle of my 22-250 and 7mm08, having no real purpose in my arsenal. The rifle is just too pretty, light, and compact for me to come to grips with parting with...yet! Anybody in the market for a really nice stainless/wood a-bolt with stainless 3.5-10 leupy and about 300 very accurate rounds give or take? Having so much loaded ammo for it also drives me nuts in considering whether to sell it or not.
Right now my big-game arsenal consists of a 6mm Remington :shock: and a 30-06. I do have my wife's 25-06 which I can use if NECESSARY! I really want to replace the .280 Remington that I sold, and I would really like to have a 6mm Remington in a bolt action. The 6mm I have now is the wonderful Ruger #1B. Not sure why I want a bolt action as well, but I just do, so I guess I have a little RADD overlap as well. :lol:
POP":1v8mo4kw said:
What I mean is I have never been able to let myself own various rifles in the same diameter....more or less, unless their configurations are totally different. For instance I know guys who own 2 30-30's, 4 308 wins, 2 30-06's, 1 300 Win mag, and 1 300 WBY mag. To me it seems very redundant, even though I can see the use for a handy 30-30 or a short 308 and a 300 WBY LR rig.
How much do your rifles overlap?
....................Personally, I wouldn`t own more than one rifle in the same caliber. Imo, a waste of money without enough variety. But with that said, it certainly helps choosing the right cartridge for each caliber desired, which best meets all the hunting needs; game, terrain etc.

Imo, little need to acquire a 325 or an 8mm of something, when someone already has a 30 cal or a 338 with about the same velocity or power levels. Little need to get a 30 cal when someone already has a comparably powered 7mm or the reverse. Little need for a 264 Win Mag if someone already has a 270 WSM and the reverse there too. But when someone owns say, two 30-30s, four 308s, two 30-06s, one 300 Win and one 300 Bee, that imo, gets a little on the ridiculous side and would be more confusing as to which one to take on a hunt.

A 30, a 338 and a 375 is a good three rifle balance. With the exception of dangerous African game, my three; a 300 WSM, a 338-378 Wby, and 375 Ruger, can all overlap each other on this continent, while each at the same time, each can easily seperate itself from the other two depending on the game and terrain.

Far less confusion before a hunt.
POP - Your "overlap" doesn't bother me at all :grin: - and I think that was your question - do we personally concern ourselves with overlap in our own set of rifles?
I'm not trying to maintain a minimum that will just cover the needs, so I think I need a little more overlap!! Only the RADD-immune can be satisfied with a "minimum battery" IMHO :grin:
I think the only true overlap I have is the 2 .260's, however not an issue at all, since one is definately belongs to the wife.
diameter overlap yes - 7-08 / .280 / 7mag.
I try not to purchase the same caliber that I already have - hence the "need" for the .270wsm that is the most current rifle in my safe.
It's only "need" was to fill the numerical gap between the .260 & .280 ( The .240 wby is on the "list" to continue the numerical line ) :roll:
Isn't the first step at least admitting it ? :grin: RADD addict and proud of it !