Eight more months...

St Croix fly rods are my favorites followed by Sage, my Avid 3 piece 9 weight has caught a lot of salmon for me.
We can hunt wolves and coyotes right now and I have a goat permit that is good till the end of February after that we can hunt bears in April although it doesn't get good until May.
012' is a season I long to forget... After having such great seasons in 010&011 I guess it caught up to me... Started off with too much work , and waterfowling went from an every weekend exscursion to only getting out 3 times all year. Having to put to rest a good friend that I've known since grade school, also a guy I hunted with a lot he got me into waterfowl. My dad never made it down first year in 20 I haven't hunted at least once with dad( he turned 70) . I worked the day my nephew connected with his moose, that bugged me . Although the next day I was with him and his Dad for his dads moose. My deer season was ok, I seen a lot of game never connected on a big guy , but had some great days afield.
I hope 013 is a bit kinder as far as time and commitments go. Spring bear may long will kick it off, hopefully with my nephew. Alberta is throwing around the idea of closing general tags for residents on big horn sheep , so my buddy and I are planning at least some sort of attempt to get on a ram or 2 in late August early September , that may be a pipe dream for me as harvest is my busiest season. And I got trail cams out to see if the double drop time buck makes it thru this winter.
super-7":3ve1olx7 said:
Alberta is throwing around the idea of closing general tags for residents on big horn sheep.

That's harsh! I'm surprised by such considerations. I thought the herd was in pretty good shape.
Well Dr. Mike I could go off on real tangent about Alberta's ESRD , but ill just say it seems like its the blind leading the blind over there. They ( whomever that is) figure to many mid aged breeding rams are being harvested. So the average resident pays the piper while outfitter allocations remain the same, and the sustinence Aboriginal hunters are still alowed to go in and harvest all they want on the winter range. Which is much easier to acsess. I'm not sure why only trophy rams are harvested for" sustinence". But hey why question thier rights.
super-7":2z362ax6 said:
Well Dr. Mike I could go off on real tangent about Alberta's ESRD , but ill just say it seems like its the blind leading the blind over there. They ( whomever that is) figure to many mid aged breeding rams are being harvested. So the average resident pays the piper while outfitter allocations remain the same, and the sustinence Aboriginal hunters are still alowed to go in and harvest all they want on the winter range. Which is much easier to acsess. I'm not sure why only trophy rams are harvested for" sustinence". But hey why question thier rights.

You are preaching to the choir. The matters you cite are is a universal problem; we are constantly fighting much the same battles over here. I've stood toe-to-toe with the MOE over elk and mule deer harvest.