Elk scouting trip

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Yes, scouting already! Mama and I hopped in the Jeep and headed up into the hills today and had one heck of a great day. It snowed on us. It was sunny. The road was dry. The road was muddy. We went through snow drifts. We winched a fallen tree out of the way. We saw elk, then we saw some more elk. What a great day! Here's a few photos:

Drove up through the orchards into higher country:


Found moms & youngsters, some with spike antlers, or one or two branches:


And later, higher, we found the bigger boys:


Our way was blocked by a fallen tree for a bit, but that problem was quickly resolved:



Got back to lower elevations, washed the Jeep and called it good for the day. Not bad for a 40 mile loop from home.
Great trip, Guy. Those bigger boys are looking pretty good. They should be dropping their antlers shortly and beginning with new growth. That looks like the makings of a good herd locally.
Very cool. thanks for sharing. Your are very lucky having the mountains in your back yard so to speak.

Very nice Guy. Quite the adventure right in your back yard.

Guy, thank you for the photos, looks like the herd wintered fairly well.
I am looking forward to more of your excursions & photos.
Thanks again :)

Great pictures Guy, careful you may get a lot of guys moving to eastern Washington. Nice bull elk, hopefully you will be able to bag one soon.
Well, it's not like we're actually allowed to shoot those branch antler bulls...

"True Spike" only in the regular season, can't even have a hint of a branch on the antler to stay legal.

There are some few "branch antler" tags avail via special draw... I'm just hoping for a doggone cow tag for the area. I've been trying for that cow tag for about 7 years now. Only 12,000 or so elk in the herd... You'd think I could draw a cow tag in those seven years! Ah well, maybe this year.

Thanks for the compliments guys. Am convinced that I need a good SLR camera with a real telephoto lens. The pocket camera just doesn't do justice to the elk at max magnification.

Still have my old 35mm SLR and lenses tucked away in a closet somewhere, maybe it's time to dredge it out.

Regards, Guy
Terrific, Guy. This flat-lander is jealous. Wishing you every success on your draws and hunts coming up.
Very cool Guy. Love those elk shots. Hoping your 375 gets a piece of one this Fall.