EPA cannot regulate lead ammo


Nov 21, 2006
I was surprised when I saw the rider to the new budget passed by the US senate that prohibits the EPA from regulating lead ammo and lead fishing gear. Looks like the repubs did good on slipping that one thru. (y) (y)
The EPA has been out of control for too long. It was about time some one stepped in to get them under control. Yes there are somethings that has come out of the EPA that was good and was needed but somethings they did was high handed.
Information last week was uncovered by the Calif. Fish and Game that their scientists had found NO change! in the lead levels in California condors since they started checking them in 2004. Ten years, no change. Latent lead in the environment is not the source of levels in these condors. They do not know where the birds get their lead? The real issue is that California scientist's had been withholding this information about the lack of lead level changes in Condor's from the politicians!

Now Oregon and Washington tree huggers are screaming that a California condor may wander into Oregon or Washington and get lead poisoning, not realizing that California had been lying and covering up the lack of lead level changes falsely for 10 years in California!

When you can't provide facts to support your agenda, just lie about it. The new liberal legacy, just lie about it!
Washington hunters need to contact there elected officials and demand a republican sponsored bill to prohibit the regulation of ammo that contains lead. I contacted my reps today. Hope they listen.
truck driver":32tpzvu4 said:
The EPA has been out of control for too long. It was about time some one stepped in to get them under control. Yes there are somethings that has come out of the EPA that was good and was needed but somethings they did was high handed.

...the Environmental Protection Act could use a few updates & clarifications...

...the Environmental Protection Agency needs to be defunded & dismantled, & probably prosecuted from the top down...
Hopefully the new congress will address some of the corruption within the EPA. Certainly the repubs claim they will attack that issue next year. In the mean time I was just contacted by my state senator who is saying that since the senate is now controlled by the repubs for the first time in many years they will kill any attempt to regulate our ammo or any other gun control in Washington state. It was a breath of fresh air to hear what she had to say.
Hubcap, problem is in Washington, we have two Senator's and most of our Congressmen being Democrats.

Someone needs to remind these moron environmentalists that lead is an element! And as such, it can not regulated by the EPA. God regulates it! It most recently has been revealed that despite all of the ERA's efforts, the California Condor blood lead content levels have not changed one iota since the banned lead in gas and in bullets in California. The EPA was recently called out by Congress for lying by omission for not reporting lead level stubborness in condors. Isn't that a gas, the Libtard's can't control it, so they lie about it?
Oldtrader3":2qv03k16 said:
When you can't provide facts to support your agenda, just lie about it. The new liberal legacy, just lie about it!

You got it friend. Thats the whole damned plan of attack and if you are a "believe everything you hear, bleeding heart" type who votes on emotion, this just adds fuel and unfortunately money to an already out of control agenda.
Leaded gasoline was a problem for both wildlife and humans, and I suspect for the Condors back in the day. Removing the lead from gas was a good thing. Just imagine the atmospheric lead levels east of LA back then.

Waterfowl suffering from lead poisoning in/around wildlife refuges was a problem, because of the accumulation of lead shot in such concentrated areas, which was being ingested by the waterfowl. Removing lead shot from shotgun shells is mostly a good thing.
I agree in part but lead is an element and pResident Bosco can not control it any more than he can control his urge for sex with little boys!
The state is trying to pick low hanging fruit. The leaf lickers and liberals imagine that guns are evil and lead ammunition makes them more evil still. However, they forget that water is dangerous if you hold your head under long enough. Perhaps the governor's difficulties arising from the green energy fiasco will work in the favour of hunters and shooters, however. All very frustrating, nevertheless. Perhaps banning all lead products is inevitable; but animals will continue to die and greenies will find someone to blame.
Well, now that our governor resigned, we are stuck with the country's first openly bi-sexual secretary of state as the acting governor. What's next? A child will get arrested on murder charges for bringing a peanut butter sandwich to a school that has half the students carrying communicable and preventable diseases due to the fear of immunization!
The EPA pumped 4 Trillion gallons of water from the Sacramento River Delta in order to save (12) pupfish? Does anyone else think this act is driving the terrible drought on the west coast, especially in California, maybe more than Global Warming? Hah?